Chapter 91- Trip Trip

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"Do you have to go?" Ranka consumed his daughter in a big hug.

"I don't have to I want to." Mae chuckled against his chest. She backed up and looked at her suit case. "Y'know Yuri said there was an emergency."

"Emergency?!" He wailed.

"Dad I think it's probably not that big of a deal." She pat her fathers arm.

"Haruhi aren't you going to say bye?" He knocked on the bathroom where Haruhi had entered.

"Yeah." Haruhi exited the bathroom breathless.

"Wow." Mas muttered. "Someone has some bodily functions."

"It's not that." Haruhi looked up.

Ranka and Mae backed. Haruhi was wearing lip gloss and pink layered blouse.

"Haru." Mas whistled. "Don't get dressed up on my account."

Ranka squealed and ran up to her. "So cute!! I'm so lucky!"

Mae snorted to the side. "Have fun without me sis."

"Actually." Haruhi looked the two. "I was invited to stay with Tamaki and Ritsu."

"Ritsu?" Mae shook her head confused.

"Boys?!" Ranka glared. "Haruhi I think this is highly irresponsible.

"Dad I'll be fine." Haru smiled and pat her dad's arm much like her sister had.

"I'll be all alone?" He frowned.

"Dad we'll be back in at least a week." Mae hugged her father.

"And I'll call every night." Haruhi nodded.

"Awwww." Ranka cued and scooped Haruhi into his and Mae's hug. "You two grew up too fast!" He cried to the ceiling.

Mae turned her head to see the Mura limo outside. "Pst Dad." Mae pulled away. "I gotta go." She pulled up her suitcase handle and got on her tip toes to kiss her fathers cheek. "Love you." She smiled and walked away.

"I still have you Haru." He teared up.

"I'll be leaving soon too probably."

"That weird host won't take you away. Oh how about I come along!"

"But dad-"

"That's it I'll come with you." He hummed and walked off to his room to collect his things.

"No." Haruhi hung her head.


"Yuri!" Mae hopped into the fancy limo.

"Hey." She pushed her hair to the side. "Haruhi understands I couldn't bring her right."

"Of course." Mae nodded. "She doesn't have a passport after all. Oh and guess what?"


"She and Tamaki are going away together."

"alone?" Yuri smirked.

"Actually no...Ritsu is going as well."

"What the crap." Yuri cringed. "Talk about third wheeling."

Mae chuckled and rested her head against the window. "So any who what's the dilemma you were talking about?"

"Right!" Yuri hit her head on the top of the vehicle. "Shit, oh right so we have more people tagging along."

"That's alright." Mae smiled. "Who? Oh let me guess. Hikaru?" She winked at Yuri whose face crunched up.

"How did you know?"

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