Chapter 18- So it Begins

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*I don't own image or any pictures/videos. Nor do I own any anime. Thank you*

Mae pulled her jeans up but still bagged at her ankles. 'Short people problem.' She pouted but continued to dress placing a red shirt on.

"Mae? You're up pretty early for a weekend." Haruhi appeared rubbing her eyes and placing the beat up tea kettle on the stove.

While tying her shoes she looked up. "Yeah, I'm going to Takashi's house. You know for training."

"You're really doing that, huh?"

"Yup, I think it's a step closer for me." She pulled the last lace tight. "Well I'm off. If you see dad tell him where I'm at." With one wave she was out leaving Haruhi to stare at the door.

Swinging her key around her finger Mae walked down a side walk. 'I wonder where it is-' she paused and looked up to an old Japanese style home. 'Wow, thought to fast.'

Admiring every portions of the home as she walked up the path. She was speechless. She couldn't find the heart to knock.

After her gawking finally came to an end she slowly knocked on the door. A few minutes later a women in a black kimono came.

She bowes and gestures for me to come in. "Oh, uh thank you." Mae quickly bowed back.

"Young master Morinozuka will be right will you." She bowed once more before slowly walking down a hallway.

While she was gone Mae took the time to gawk at everything in her vision. It wasn't long before she heard someone running down the opposite hallway. Slowly turning her head she met the eyes of a younger Mori.

"Uh are you Takashi's brother?" She gave a small smile before she saw him gleam and blush on his face.

"Yeah! I'm Satoshi."he ran to her and shook her hand. "So are you and Taka-kun a couple?" He closed his eyes and smiled.

"Oh...I-I don't think so." Mae frantically waved her hands.

"Satoshi." A deep voice called. Spinning on her heels Mae turned to the tall brother and the silent maid beside him.

"Sorry Taka-kun." Satoshi sung before jumping in front of Mae. "Bye Mae chan." He snickered before running down a hall and the maid going after him.

Mae rubbed her head. "I don't remember saying my name."

Mori only nodded and sighed. "He must have been eavesdropping again." Mae moved her head up an down.

"So where are we-."

"Dojo." He said as if he could read her mind.

"Right but where?"

"Here." He pointed down a hallway and began walking down it.

"W-wait! You have a dojo in your house?!"

Mori lower and raised his head. "That's amazing." She trailed next to him. He only shrugged.

Entering the large room Mae fell into a state of awe. Next to her stood Mori slightly grinning.

"W-what?" She blushed realizing he was looking at her.

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