Chapter 94- Oh No

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^Song: Old Wounds by Tyler Hagen^


Mae huffed as she laid in her bed rubbing her head closer to the comforts of her friend the pillow.

"Mae?" Haruhi stood over her sister already dressed in her uniform.

"Uhm mr. Snuggles, not right now~"

"Mr. Snuggles think you should get ready for school."

"Pfft school." Mae snickered and rolled over.

"Déjà-vu much." Haruhi sighed and finished her tea before setting in their sink.

"School.." Mae repeated. "School?!" She sat up and jumped from her bed like it was burning lava.

"So you're up." Haruhi smiled.

"Haru why didn't you wake me up?!" Mae ran around the small apartment. She pulled her clothes off and pulled on her yellow dress. She went into the bathroom and glazed her lips with a tan lipgloss that shimmered on her lips. She kept staring then smirked to herself, she then put on mascara making her eyes pop. "Voilà." Mae winked in the mirror before yawning.

"Mae are you ready?" Haruhi knocked on the door.

"Yes dearest sister." Mae spun out if the bathroom.

"Good lets go then."

"But Yuri's picking us up today." Mae pouted.

"I'll go then." Haruhi sighed then smiled at her sister. "Are you excited for our last year."

Mae couldn't believe it. The summer had came and gone and now they were going to their first day back to school, but it's also their last year as students at Ouran Highschool. "Yessum I am." Mae nodded sweetly.

"See you at school."

"See you too dearest brother." Mae waved to her sister as she left their home.


"Ready hostess?" Yuri blew a kiss to Mae as they pulled up to the school.

"Of course hostess." Mae smiled to her as the doors were opened for them.

"Gosh I miss Neko already." Yuri puffed up her cheeks as they stood looking at the school.

"Me too." Mae frowned. "I'm sure he's doing great though."

"Of course he is."

"Ladies." Kaoru and Hikaru popped up.

"Twins." Yuri rolled her eyes.

"Looking horrible as always." Hikaru growled at Yuri.

"Is that a blush I see?" Yuri flicked his nose.

"N-no!" He yelled.

"I bet you wish you could be one of my guests." She flipped her hair.

"In your dream." He glared at her.

"Okay kiddies." Mae awkwardly cut in.

"Come on Mae lets go to class." Yuri walked with Mae to the big building.

"So you and Hikaru?" Mae wiggled her eyebrows which resulted in an exaggerated eye roll.


Yuri sat still in her seat. "How the f*ck did Akane move into our class?" A girl with short hair had walked in.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now