Chapter 53- One Quick Thought?

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Well I'd like to let all of you know this story will be continue for a while so don't hold your breath thinking it's going to end soon. So today's chapter will be introducing a few more things to come in the future for the gang. Next weeks chapter I Mae write sooner and publish as well since thanksgiving is coming up.
As always I love you all,

"Hello Mae." A spine shivering voice said behind her. Mae turned on her heel and rolled her eyes at the girl. It was none other than Akane.

"Akane." She nodded and started walking.

"I heard a little rumor you and Mori are darting. But I thought to myself that couldn't be true, a cry baby like yourself-"

"It's not." Mae growled through her teeth.

"Oh then don't mind if I start hanging out with him. After all I'm a heiress and your a filthy commoner."

"Your not aloud near the host club remember."

"So, I can still beg my parents to arrange a get together. Maybe even a marriage."

Mae scrunched her face up. "Takashi would never be with you."

"He won't have a choice if his parents tell him. After all he doesn't have a girlfriend." Akane laughed and strutted off making sure to wave her hips.

"I wish I'd never met her." Mae growled and began stomping to her next class. She was officially in a bad mood. But was deep down thanking god she wasn't still in that honeroom. Mae had almost forgotten all about that wretched girl whom she once called friend. Those days were far behind her or at least that's what she kept telling herself. There was no reason to dwell on the past now. Now that she had Takashi and Yuri. Wasn't that enough, or was she so selfish to worry about Akane.

It was nearly the end of the year already. Mae had so much change for her from the first time she ran into the host club. But now that she had everything she could ever imagine there seemed to be something off. Part of her felt confused on what was happening within her. Maybe it was lack of exercise she thought back to all the junk food she had been eating. "Yup." She sighed in her belief. Then she curled her lips. 'Maybe a little dojo would cheer me up.'

"Takashi!" She lept to his arms "can we have a kendo practice tonight?"

He looked down at her as if she was a rare flower that brought beauty to the world. She loved the way with one look he could make her feel like the most amazing person on earth and luckiest to have him. "Of course." He pushed a small strand of hair behind her ear and lightly kissed her cheek. "We could call it a date."

Mae could feel her cheeks getting plump from the huge smile she had on. He seemed to know all the right words to say to make her feel like she was living out a dream. "That'd be awesome. Will there be cake?"

Mori chuckeled. "Why wouldn't there be?"

She shrugged. "Not sure maybe honey ate it all."

"There's always cake." He grabbed her hand.

They were in the club. No one around. There couldn't be not with Kyoyas new rule. And the fact they couldn't tell either of their families was beginning to get to Mae.

For one she worried his family might not approve or worse suspect he's alone and set him up with someone like Akane. Then there was her own father who seemed to be suspiciously looking at her at every meal examining her like an alien.

"Buzz buzz!" Maes phone vibrated in her yellow dress pockets. Mae glared at her phone as she annoyingly flipped it open and placed it to her ear.

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