Chapter 17- Together

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Mae played with the puffy yellow sleeves on her new dress, since her old one had been torn. Even though she had told herself to become stronger she still wasn't sure just how to start.

She was still scared of what the girls may do. It was stupid she knew it. Perhaps it was going to take more.

As she stood in the doorway to her class she knew they were staring at her. Slowly she walked to her seat. Hearing her shoes clack against the elegant floor.

Akane glared at her before turning toward a group of girls. Letting out a sigh Mae rested her head in her desk. She was alone.

"I was wondering when she'd break her act." She heard a scratching voice next to her. Turning her head she stared at the dark haired girl next to her who was still holding a book.

"D-did everyone know?"

"Mostly." She rubbed the side of her head lifting the corners of her glasses. "That's just how those girls are. I'm guessing you're not like them."

"Those girls?"

"You know...pretty girls." Mae noticed her clench the book in her hands.

Mae lifted her head a bit. "But-." She was cut off by the teacher standing in front of the classroom.

She wouldn't admit it but Mae was hopeful that there was one girl who she might be able to possibly trust. Yet she had no idea her name. This whole time she never learnt the loners name. She reminded Mae of herself before she met Emma and even Remi.

'I'm too dependent.'Mae sighed as she started listening in on what the teacher was saying.


She stood outside the host club door. Wincing back each time she went to touch the handles. Should she really be going there when those girls could still be upset and angry. She bit her lip nervously. 'I shouldn't dive head first into bravery.'she nodded to herself and began walking away when she felt something pick her up by her shirt collar.

Fear coming over her she turned back to see an annoyed Kyoya. "Oh it's you-"

"Do you know how much business we lost. Without the males we went back to original profit." He growled.

"Uh...sorry." She raised an eyebrow as he huffed and walked away fiercely scribbling in his book. 'Still scary.'

"Mae-chan!" Honey leapt into her arms.

"Hi Honey senpai."

He frowned a bit. "Takashi told me you had some trouble."

"H-he did."

He nodded his head frantically. "He never told me what though." Honey wined but Mae felt sort of happy that Mori hadn't told him. "Will you tell me.?" He begged pleading with his eyes.

"Uh." She looked around and spotted Takashi (Mori) inspecting a cake. "Maybe later." Mae smiled lightly making Honey return the smile.

"Sure Mae-chan!" He skipped over toward the cake, usa-chan dangling behind.

"Daughter!" Tamaki ran over. "I was afraid something horrible happened." He wiped imaginary tears away.

"I-I'm fine." She forced a smile on her face and she finally realized something Mori hadn't told anyone. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Good thing you're back." Hikaru placed one hand on her shoulder and Kaoru the other.

"Yeah, Kyoya was getting mad as well as your guests."

"Do you guys really need me that much?" She silently said.

Both twins looked at each other then nodded. Before they could even run Mae hugged both of them withholding tears. The others stared at her as she backed away and wiped tears from her eyes.

"what did you two do?!" Tamaki marched over to them before he saw a small smile placed itself on Mae's face.

"They did nothing. It's just that all you guys have helped me so much without even knowing." She gasped out a small chuckle as Haruhi paced a hand on her back.


"So those girls were picking on Mae-chan." Honey scrunched his face up.

Kyoya placed his book down and uncrossed his legs. "I had a feeling something would come up."

Mae nervously looked around. "Then what do I do?"

"We can tell them they won't ever be allowed to set foot in the host club again unless they leave you alone." Tamaki suggested with confidence.

"A good idea." Kyoya seemed to mule it over.

Mae looked up with some more hope. "Do you think it'll work?"

"You said you got letters from them, correct?" Stated Kyoya.

"Yeah...that means we have all their names!" Mae almost jumped out of her seat.

Kyoya smiled and nodded his head slowly. "If that doesn't work we could always threaten exposure."

Mae gleamed. "Thank you!" She jumped up and bowed.

"Stop thanking everyone." Hikaru scoffed.

Mae's smile soften. "I don't know if I can do that."


"So what got to you completely?" Haruhi kicked a stone as they walked on the sidewalk.

"Honestly." Mae stood still. "I'm not completely alone. There's no reason to be so sad when others have it worse. A-and when-when I thought of the host club worrying it made me remember people It's not just the loner girl." Mae smiled even though she felt tears brimming up. Mori's words and the hosts made her realize just how dependent she still was. Even though I it was an ability she knew there was something else.


"Takashi!" Mae ran into the host club the next day. The others all looked at her baffled at his first name. Realizing just how much of a scene she made she blushed and ran to the one she was seeking.

"Takashi I want you to teach me kendo." A glisten of confidence came to her eye. It was most likely that which brought him to smile and a big nod down at the girl. "thank you!" She gave a quick hug before running to Haruhi.

Mae was really taking action. She wanted to be strong, fearless, and most of all confident. It was something so beautiful for the hosts to see.

More stuff to come. Tell me any thoughts feelings. Whatever you like, ciao!

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