Chapter 10- Beach time action

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*Image does not belong to me nor does the character or anime (Gou- Free)*

"Wow we're really going to the beach?" Mae looked out the window of the limo.

"Yeah apparently...but are you sure your up to it?" Her sister glanced at her wearing concern.

"Lighten up Haru! It was only a cold." Mae laughed.

Haruhi looked out the window. "Look at us." Hikaru placed an arm around his brother.

Kaoru did the same. "Two pairs of twins in a limo."

Mae tiredly looked at the two. "How amusing."

"Don't worry Mae we picked out a nice bathing suit for you." Kaoru hummed.

"Shame, I brought my own." She snarled.

"Commoners bathing suits aren't appealing." Said Hikaru.

"What's the difference? Really?" Mae kept her gaze out the window. She was tired and quite frankly disturbed by the two twins. She noticed they acted like they were the same but she knew that wasn't true.

The twins held each others hands and looked at each other pained. "Poor Mae." Hikaru sobbed.

"Can't tell the difference." Kaoru tutted.

"I agree with Mae." Haruhi crossed her arms.

"Poor Haruhi." They both shook their heads.

Mae huffed out air as she saw the limo pull into a driveway. "We're here!" She jumped out the door running far away from the strange twins.


"Mae-chan!" Honey yelped as he ran toward Mae. The hosts all noticed she wasn't wearing a swim suit.

"No swim suit?" Tamaki asked as he looked down at the girl. "Just cause Haruhi can't doesn't-"

"I have one on. It's just since I'm not hosting I don't want to get in the way of the other girl's fun. I'm going for a walk." She said as she stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"Mae~" the twins cried as Mae rolled her eyes at them.

"I'll be back later." Mae sighed as she started walking away.

"Where's Mae going?" Haruhi walked over to see her sister leaving.

"For a walk." The twins sighed.

"Oh." Haruhi seemed to think about something before heading back to her guest.

"Takashi, do you think Mae-chan will me alright." Honey looked up with teary eyes. Mori shrugged his shoulders.


Mae looked back to see she was a good distance from the host club. She let herself fall to the ground her mind cloudy with thoughts. "What to do."

Flash back-

Mae in elementary walks backwards hitting a pile of leaves. "L-leave me alone." She cried.

"Baka Mae!" The little boy screamed at her. "Stay away from him! He doesn't like you." The boy laughed as some students joined in. Mae was in tears and crouched to the ground hiding her face from the children.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now