Chapter 89- Last Day Blitz

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It was the last day of school for the year. Several people were in the host room, Mae leaned her head against the window.

Several boys were over pleading their love to Yuri as she simply rolled her eyes at each speech.

Hikaru let his brother accept all the graduating girls regards as he chuckled at Yuri who denied all of them.

Tamaki was crying with a herd around him. Saying goodbye to all his princesses. Haruhi was suspect of a building jealousy.

Ritsu-oh right he's there- was basking in all the girls that he had acquired.

Kyoya began selling different merchandise for the guest to buy. And they gladly spent their parents money.

"Mae can we get a picture?" Some boys shyly asked while holding a camera.

"Of course." She smiled. "Say cheese."



Tamaki sulked around. "I can't believe it."

"I can." Kyoya mumbled.

"Oh Kyoya!" Tamaki draped himself over Kyoyas lap. "The times we had!"

"Here." Kyoya placed a large stack of photo albums on the kings lap. "On the house." He let a smile peak then quickly hid it.

"Oh Kyoyaaaaaaa!" Tamaki sang as he cuddled next to his best friend.

Yuri scoffed then looked up at Nekozawa. He too would be leaving. Oh course she wasn't going to get all teary eyed. After all she and Nekozawa planned to be keeping in touch frequently.

Mae sat with  Tamaki. Both wiping their eyes as they reveled in the past years.

Haruhi hid her annoyance as she low key slammed the tea set down.

"I do hope to see you all again." Kyoya suddenly said making them all pause.

"You will." Tamaki whimpered.

Kyoya looked at the hosts. It was hard to believe over 3 years of high school that they had acquired such a group of friends. But she stuck out the most.

Her hair and her eyes could hypnotized any man she wanted. Her smile was so powerful it could fuel an airplane. Her presence would be sorely missed.

"Well goodbye. I'll miss you all." He muttered making the hosts all 'aw' in response. He kept walking, like his life depended on it. Was this what it was like when Mori left school. The realization her addictive personality wouldn't be around every day.

"I knew the shadow king had feelings." A light voice came. He paused and looked back to see the girl herself. "Kyoya Ootori will sorely miss his friends." She tutted. "I should call up a newspaper." She chuckled to herself. "Y'know out of all two years I've been at this school. This one I really started to get you weren't such an...a...jerk face."

"I'm glad I could dispose of your given impression." He droned.

She smiled. "Well y'know we'll all miss you too. Even Yuri."

"Will you miss me as much as him?"

"Him?" Mae asked back confused.


She widened her eyes and nervously laughed. "I think I'll miss all the hosts equally."

"Right, after all in a year you two will be together again."

"How do you-"

He wanted to ruin his chances. He could so easily tell her of the engagement. But then...will she never talk to him again. It would only make her upset. "It's unimportant. Goodbye Mae."

Mae looked to the ground. It seemed an odd way to end things. But she let him walk off, it seemed as if he was annoyed. Maybe not her, but at something.

Once in the host club again Mae sat down in her chair watching Haruhi and Tamaki from a distance. It still hadn't happened. Maybe some other time.

Kaoru sat next to her. "Excited for next year?"

Mae flopped back. "It feels as if it's been three years already."

"Next year will go by fast."

"I hope you're right." She grinned.

"Guess who Kyoya recruited for next years hosts?"

Mae looked intrigued. "Who?"

"Satoshi and Chika."

Her smile couldn't leave now. "Really?"

Kaoru smiled back at her. "Yup."

Next year was sure to be wonderful. She loved those two. It made her think back to the days she would spend at their house.

'Well, I guess I should get started in summer.' Mae chimed in her mind.

"Mae!" Yuri flopped next to Mae wedging herself between Kaoru and her. "Sleepover? My house?"

"Ohhh can I come?" Hikaru slid over the top of the chair.

"No twin." She rolled her eyes. "Only girls allowed. So in?"

Haruhi nodded and her excitement was too hard for her to hide.

It had been awhile since the girls were all together. But it brought new promise to their summer of fun.

This summer they were almost certain would be the most cherished, after all it was their last one before their last year of high school.

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