Chapter 70- A Hopeless Love

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"Sooo?" Mae grinned wickedly as her sister fell into her bed.

"So what?"

"What happened with you and Tamaki?"

"Nothing, he took me for coffee." Haruhi nervously.

Mae scrunched her face. "I can tell your not telling me something. We're twins, remember?"

Haruhi sighed audibly. "I know Mae. I'll tell you when the times right."

"I hate when people say that." Mae pouted.

"Well just don't go meddling like you always do."

"When have I ever done that?"

Haruhi gave her a 'really' glance. "The first day of school."

"Hey you were with strange men I had the right-"

"You had a whole list of facts on them."

"I still do." She muttered.

"Oh Mae." Haruhi groaned. "Let's just go to bed."

"Fine then, good night Haru."

"Good night Mae."


"Well today's Saturday." Mae sat up from bed the next morning.

"Yay." Haruhi said in an unamused voice.

"Ohhh guess what I ended up getting a dress."

"Where'd you get the money?"

"I didnt."

"Did you steal?"

"No Haru, Takeshi got it for me."

"Mae I thought I said..."

"I know I know." Mae nodded and smiled. "I'm going to give it back to him after tonight."

"Mae it's somewhat weak not to talk to Kyoya."

Mae frowned. She knew she was right, if Miss. Crowd we're here right now she'd probably laugh at how stupid she was being. But then again...he drove her to America, but she'd met Miss Crowd and her fiends.  But...he did split her up with Takashi, maybe Mori wanted it to end anyway.

"So we should head over now to get ready and everything." Mae quickly said with her mind confusing her to the point of insanity.

"Yeah." Haruhi nodded.


"Yo." Kaoru waved at her with his brothers arm slung around him.

"Hey." Mae timidly waved back with the bag draped over her arm.

"Is that the dress?" Hikaru gleamed at the bag.

"Actually the dress I was suppose to wear disappeared."

"Well it's a good thing we brought a back up." Kaoru and Hikaru smile.

Mae blinked. "Wow,  what do I do with this one then."

"Keep it." They shrugged

A smirk grew on her face as they began acting their usual selves again. Kaoru seemed to have had an epiphany.

"This ones so beautiful though." Mae stroked the bag.

"Let's have a look then."

"Okay." She pulled up the plastic sure they would agree with her.

"That dress would look horrible on you."

"What?" She frowned. "Why?"

"Your hair." He Hikaru touched her hair.
"It's too close to the color." Kaoru smiled

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