Chapter 28- Crushing?!

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"So you have our numbers?" Remi walked on the left of Mae as they neared the limo. The hosts hadn't said anything the rest of the time. Which was really impressive for them.

"Yeah." Mae smiled.

"Okay." Remi hugged her. "I hope we can become friends again."

"I don't know about that just yet." Mae sighed but still smiled as they parted.

"Okay. Sorry I have to go. But thank you for seeing us." Remi bowed then ran off. She had been skipping class that whole time.

That left Mike standing there awkwardly. "Listen I really wish I'd gotten to know you-"

"It's fine Mike." Mae stopped him. "By gones be by gones." She went to shake his hand but was pulled into a hug.

"I wish I could have dated you for real." He sighed. Mae felt her heart drop down.

"You shouldn't say things like that." She said as they separated.

"Sorry." He lowered his head.

"And stop saying sorry. I'm happy with my life now." She turned to look at the hosts. She then leaned into him. "I might even find love again."

He widened his eyes then looked at the hosts. "With one of your bodyguards?"

Mae snickered. "I'm not sure just yet." She blushed a bit. 

"Good luck anyway." He smiled.

"Thanks." She said as Kaoru opened the limo door.

"Oh and give that lover boy a break." Mike grinned at her.

"Which one?" She teased.

"Grannies boy." He grinned once more.

"I will." She waved then closed the limo door behind her. That's when she found herself with the hosts once more and they looked like they wanted to ask her questions. "Okay let it out."

"Why didn't you say you had a head injury?!"

"What does he mean first kiss?!"

Those were the only two she heard. They were only from the twins. But honey looked like he wanted to know as well and also Kyoya.

"I knew you would worry about the head injury. And of course we kissed we went out for a few month. Why would I tell you guys?"

They all seemed to breathe in her answers thinking them over.

"How bad was the injury?" Kaoru asked.

"Not bad." She lied.

"Oh really?" Kyoya looked in his book. "Your friend Emma said you hit your head on the trash as well as being scrapped by the concrete. You were out for months ."

"Months?!" They all exclaimed. She then saw Mori look at her worried too. She hadn't told him just how bad the injury was. Guilt over came her. She should've told him.

The rest of the day Mae caught Mori looking at her worriedly. Then the host decided to stay in the Bed and Breakfast. Which annoyed Kyoya since he had payed ahead for their rooms. Mae saw Mori outside doing some kind of martial arts.

Tip toeing carefully she felt lucky to have this time to explain to him. "Takashi?" She whispered.

He blinked then walked over to her in the front lawn.

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