Chapter 87- I'll Take it From Here

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"We need to talk." Yuri pushed a chair to the table and took a seat.

"Miss Mura what is it this time?"

"Stop messing with Mae." She glared.

"What exactly are you talking about."

"Don't act stupid. You remember."

"Accusing me of things I don't know?"

"Ugh! Tell me why you made her kiss you?!"

Kyoyas face darkened. "What has she said of the matter."

"So you admit it. You forced her."

His hair fell over his face slightly. "Between me and you. I don't remember it."

"Oh?" She glared.

"That was the only time." He sat back in his chair. "I just needed that to live with this."

"Live with what?"

"This pathetic feeling."

Yuri rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Like you have feelings."

Kyoya leaned his head against his hand. "You may be right." He scoffed. "But I'll tell you one thing," he say up straight and reveled his face clearly to her. "I'll do anything for her to be happy."

Yuri widened her eyes then squinted them. "How cheesy. Did you steal that from stupid romance?"

Kyoya glared at her and crossed his arms. "I don't like it either." He hissed.

"How is it that she can turn you into some loser lover boy."

Kyoyas glare hardened. "Say one more thing and see what happens miss Mura."

"Well your no Mori." Yuri smirked at him. A dark aura began to surround him. Yuri grew a smug look. "Damn," she mused. "You really do fancy her huh?" She started to cackle. "The shadow king and or sore loser in love."

"Your pushing your luck miss Mura."

"Actually im not." Yuri got up from her seat and walked toward the host. "I'm Mae's best friend and if you did anything...well...I guess you shouldn't push your luck."

Kyoya began to smirk. "Well played Miss Mura."

"Thank you." She crossed her arms. "By the way Mr. Ootori you should know Mori and Mae's plans."


"You see...Ootori by this one next year. If Mae hasn't found someone else, the two will get back together." Kyoyas eyes widened. "Let's just say I don't want Mae to make a mistake." Yuri whispered. "I'll see you tomorrow." The girl threw her bag over her shoulder and walked out swiftly. "Ciao."

And so the shadow king was left in silence with his eyes popped and mouth slightly open.


Yuri walked to her limo with a big grin on her face. Her silky black hair swiftly following her.

"Mura." Hikaru popped up in front of her.

"The hell Hitachiin?!" She jumped back.

"Your scheming aren't you?"

"Not scheming. I'm helping to get things done with."

"Smells interesting."

Yuri rolled her eyes. "Listen...twin. I don't have time for your antics."

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