Chapter 7- Embarassing

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*as usual I do not own the image above nor do I own the character or anime (Gou- Free!). Image hosted from Free! Wikia*
Gou or Rin for representing Mae?


Mae stood in the dressing room eyeing the costume. It was a new week and the Host were cosplaying as butlers meaning a maids uniform hung in front of her. 'Stupid costume.' She thought to herself.

"Mae! When are you coming out

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"Mae! When are you coming out." Haruhi leaned against the wall waiting.

Mae breathed in a long breath before putting the mid thigh outfit on. The twins had added a lot of lace making it stand out even more. It was simply black but revealed more then she wished. Once the black heels were on as well as the maids headband she walked out.

"Final-" Haruhi stared at her sister. "Wow." She muttered.

"It's kinda skimpy don't you think?"

"Yeah." She responded then dragged her sister out to the hosts. "What's the meaning of this?" She aggressively asked the twins who in turn high-five each other.

"My daughter!" Tamaki screamed with horror.

Mae tied to cover herself up. Honey tilted his head to the side as he and Mori exchanged awkward glances.

"Do you have any other costumes?" Mae quietly asked.

"Afraid not." Kyoya pushed his glasses up.

'They planned this?! Jerks!' Mae mentally screamed. "I-I can't wear this." She stuttered out instead.

"But you will if you want to pay off your sisters debt."

'Evil!' She hissed in her head. "Fine." She hissed out.

"Mae?" Haruhi looked at her sadly as Tamaki began freaking out and the twins high-five each other again.

"It's fine." Mae slowly let her hands fall to the side revealing more skin.

"My poor daughter." Tamaki whined. "You shady twins!"

"Who's shady?" They both asked with attitude.

"Mae-chan still looks cute." Honey innocently said.

"Mitsukuni." Mori lowly spoke as he placed a hand on Honey's head.

"Let's just get this day over with." Mae mumbled but loud enough they all heard.

The doors were then opened. Signaling there was no way out even if she wanted.

Many guys came in red faced as girls looked excited then glared at Mae.

"Mae I like your outfit." One guy crossed his legs and admired her.

As for her own face she was blushing hard just the thought of others seeing her made her completely embarrassed. "Uh, thank you."

"How low." A girl said walking in glaring at her.

Mae sunk down in her seat but kept talking. Before she sunk into depression a black jacket fell onto her lap. Her eyes widened and looked up to see Mori towering over her.

"T-thank you." She smiled and draped the jacket over her shoulders. It was so big it covered most of the damage. Mori nodded before heading back to the shocked Honey table.


"Well that's it for today!" Tamaki smiled to himself.

"Great!" Mae booked if for the dressing room. The black jacket that belonged to Mori she place carefully on the side while she quickly took the dress off. "Thank goodness." She sighed and looked at the jacket before picking it up gently.  

Once she exited the dressing room she saw most of them were already done. 'Either I'm really slow, or they're super humans.' She pondered.

Mori was sitting close to Honey as she stood in front of them. "Thank you Mori- senpai." She smiled at him brilliantly.

He stiffened a bit. "You're welcome." His deep voice came out making Mae's smile widen.

"Mae lets get out of here before they put you in something else." Haruhi hissed at Kyoya and the twins, who merely shrugged.

"We made great business today." Kyoya smiled creepily.

'Evil~.' Mae uttered in her head. "See you tomorrow." She waved at Mori and Honey ignoring the twins and Kyoya.

"Takashi?" Honey looked up at his friend with a cutesy smile. Mori looked down at Honey and simply blinked.


"Kyoya's evil." she wailed to Haruhi.

"Yeah." She let her breath out. "I never saw Mori get up like that before."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's more so worried about Honey-senpai then anyone else."

"Well, he probably is just a nice guy."



Mae walked through the the halls noticing people running away. She turned to see Nekozawa walking through. She waved to him and he turned around to see if there was someone else behind him.

"Nekozawa senpai!" She called out to him and ran over to him.

"Is there someone you'd like to curse?" He smiled wickedly.

"Nope, I was wondering if you'd like someone to talk to?"

He looked confused through the shadow castes on his face. "About?"

"I don't know. Whatever." She looked up at a clock and began to panic. "Anyway if you feel like it I'm at the host club." She waved then bolted down the hall to her next class.

Nekozawa pulled out his beelzenef doll.


Sorry if it was short to your liking. I keep trying to figure out a good length. Anyway there's more to come:)

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