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Jordan and I walked over to Scammy Sammy's which was about a block or so away. He was already outside talking to what I assume is his next paying customer. He sees us approach and sends the guy off.

"Ladies, what can daddy Sammy get for you?"

"Ew, you still go by that?" Jordan asks.

"The ladies love it."

"No they don't." Jordan and I say in unison.

He scoffs, "Are you going to tell me what you want or did you just come to slaughter my manhood."

Jordan speaks telling him exactly what we need. And he smiles, muttering about to himself something along the lines of no problem, a piece of cake. Jordan and I know him as Scammy Sammy because he's always got some type of scheme up his sleeve. This year he was on top of the senior school prank. Sammy was the only guy at our high school to sell fake IDs and to actually make fakes. He also sells test answers and homework nerds.

If there was anyone I believed had a future it was him. I wasn't sure which way it would go though. He could either be in prison or a successful entrepreneur.

"Follow me ladies." He says leading us to a blank sheet hanging from a window and his camera set up. I go first, smiling for the camera and then Jordan goes. Going to club, drinking alcohol this is going to be a night of firsts for me. One step into a new Maia.

"I'll have it ready for you be back this evening."

Jordan nods and takes my hand leading me to where we meant to go for the day. She goes on and on about how much we love to watch a good romance movie. She brags about having gotten tickets to what may be -and I quote- "the next love of my life movie."

"If you really think it'll be that good."

"I do I do...you are going to love it!" She drags me down to the subway. Getting on the train I feel the stares but it's not all that surprising to see a girl dressed like this on the subway. It usually isn't this early in the day though. Ignoring the judgmental gazes, I focus on talking to Jordan.

"So what's this film about?"

"It's about a guy and a girl who meet in such normal circumstances but are far from normal. I'm told it's very steamy."

"How steamy?"

"Don't worry, Jack is on duty he'll let us in." Which means it's not even rated or it's r rated.

"I don't think you're brother will let us into a smutty movie." I say being that he was two years older and very protective of her; my guess was because her mother wasn't really there for them.

"He will I have dirt on him that he doesn't want me to share."

"Do I want to know?"

"Sibling stuff, not sure you'd want to know."

After getting in and seeing the movie, Jordan and I walk out the theater with our eyes enlarged. I have never had sex nor have I ever seen someone do to this girl what that guy did to her. I didn't even know that those were possible.

"Can someone really have sex in that position that guy tried? I mean he had her up in the air." I said hating how dumb I could be about sex being that I was still a virgin unlike my best friend.

"I think so I mean I don't think it would be comfortable." She said her face twisted up at the thought. She grabs a hold of my arm and she and I meet up at Scammy Sammy's once again for our fake ID's.

He looked at us both and pretended as if he was doing some big sell. It was most definitely not a drug deal he was being ridiculous. But after getting our ID's she ushered me off taking me to the subway. We talked the entire train ride about how I had to behave. I tend to be so weird but if I'm being honest I'm scared to seem too young. That and the movie we had seen made me a little horny. Which is saying something because I'm usually only horny around my period. Which I don't get for another three weeks.

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