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I sit in the coffeehouse just after school. Jordan had been invited to some party and I wasn't really interested in going. Finals are coming soon and I really wanted to get some studying in. I look over my notes and sip away at my latte. I blow the short strand of hair that has fallen from the confines of my bun.

"Very sexy." A man says and I look around only to find Mr. Eric Blackman himself. He holds up a gift bag. A pink little gift bag. He hands me the bag a smirk playing on his face. He seems to be in a very playful mood.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" I ask looking around to find no one paying us an ounce of attention.

"I didn't, but I'm glad you were." He hands me my cell phone, "You left that at my place, how you went on this long without it concerns me." His face showing mock horror, making me laugh.

My light laughter fading, "I was looking for it but I couldn't go back into the bar apparently without make up and the confusion of the evening they could tell I was underage."

He stilled his playfulness seeming to have disappeared. After a moment of the awkward silence he mutters, "Open the bag."

I open the bag to find my underwear from the night at the club. My mouth opens in slight shock and he suppresses his laughter. His playfulness back in full affect.

"I told you I would return it to you. But now that I have, I should probably go....but if I'm being honest I don't want to."

I do have to study...but look at him you want him here just as much as he wants to stay.

"You could stay I'm just studying." Looking at this very sexy man, chiseled perfect jaw, his hair full on the top and low on the sides, and his smile. The way his shirt clings to him and his jeans falling just along his suede boots. For someone in his late twenties he dresses like a hot young guy. He smirks at me ogling him and it literally makes me just want to pull off my panties. I could stick this pair in this little pink bag. I blush at my thoughts.

"I can tell you're thinking dirty thoughts Maia." He leans in whispering. "I'm having some dirty thoughts of my own."

I smile embarrassingly, "Do you have this effect on a lot of people or is it just me?"

"At the moment all that matters is you." Smooth talker, I sigh returning my eyes back to my books. What do I say to that? Where is Jordan when I need her? "I'll go and let you study. But I enjoy your company Maia, do give me a call." Stuck, I just watch him leave without even asking him for his number.


My knees pressed into the satin or silk like sheets. I had my hands tied up above my head restrained. My eyes completely covered and my skin full on exposed. I could feel his hands pressed on my behind, stroking tenderly. His breathing next to my underwear line was labored and slow. He used his leg to spread my legs apart stretching my pelvis and hips in a way I'm certain I've never done.

"You're beautiful." He would kiss just above my waistline. His lips were soft and his tongue moist against my sensitive flesh.

"Thank you." My excitement and anticipation for what was going to happen was apparent by the wetness of my center. My arousal was beginning to slowly drip down my leg.

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