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I lie awake finding it hard to sleep. I tried calling Fraya but she won't answer my calls. I can't find it in me to call Jordan, I know this isn't her fault but I wish I could blame her. But this was all me, lying, sneaking around and keeping secrets. Nothing good could have possibly come from it. My eyes again fill with tears to the brim staining his pillows with its slow falls.

I hear his feet patter against the floor before he shuffles onto the bed. Please Eric don't make me talk I don't want to talk. I hate what's happened, my family practically drop me because I've fallen for a man. No they dropped you because you're a liar and you chose him over them.

He runs his hands on my hair, "Maia....come."

I wipe at my tears as he bites down on his lip, his firm hands forcing me to sit up. Pulling me from my dreary state his lips kiss my lips. He's just so good to me and makes me happy. They were misjudging him, he's no monster and he isn't controlling or brain washing me. He's good to me.

"Look at me...." I do as I'm told hoping I don't look as ugly as I feel. "I want you to come with me." I follow him into his play room fidgeting with my fingers at my side. He sighs letting my hand go dropping his head. I don't know where this is going, "All of this is my fault....and I hate to see you in pain. I want you to dominate me tonight."

"What?" I ask my voice almost unfamiliar to myself. None of this is his fault. "No Eric."

He blinks, opening his eyes he says again, "You are my dominant and for tonight I shall be your submissive. You may do whatever it is you like, just tell me what you want me to do."

He won't look at me his attention is focused on the floor. Why won't he look at me? After a moment I run my hands over my face and into my tangled hair. What am I supposed to say? I let out a shaky breath...you can do this Maia.

"Remove your clothes and lie down on the bed."

I feel myself breathing heavily, can I really do this? Of course I can't, I'm a fraud and this is foolish. I'm not fooling anyone, I'm no dominant. He removes his clothes, one piece at a time. Starting with his shirt he rises over his head flexing his chest and torso before chucking it. He strips from his pants taking one leg out at a time.

I watch not really sure what to say next, I'm not getting the same feeling I'm sure he gets when he does this. I look at all the toys and find no interest in using any of them. I don't even know how to use most of them. I peel myself out of the sweater he gifted me and slip off the slip. Lying on the bed he looks up to see my body and I shake my head.

"Head down." If he looks at me I will literally fold into myself. I'm nervous enough as it is.

I reach for the riding crop and the metal hand cuffs after all, wanting to punish him if he didn't listen much like he does to me. He nods smiling against the bed as he awaits further instructions. I grab the handcuffs and cuff one hand to the bed.

"What's this?" He asks, surprised by my cuffing him. "I thought you'd want me to touch you." I do like to be touched but isn't this is a dominant thing? Like don't let him touch you? Just go with it Maia.

I strike the chained hand, lightly afraid I'd hurt him too badly. "Did that hurt?"

He shakes his head a smirk faint on his features, "No ma'am."

I smirk kind of liking him like this, "Okay, no more talking."

He nods though his lips are still pulled up in a playful smirk. I bite at my lip climbing on top of him. His eyes go dark as I sit on top of him. This is a heavenly sight....me naked on top of him naked and chained to the bed. I hit the riding crop on my hand. Do something so I can hit you with it. I beg in my head....he was a submissive before I'm sure he knows how this works better than I.

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