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My hair is pulled up into a curly pony and the rest of my hair curls cascading down my shoulders. My face is covered in make up and I've never felt more beautiful. The dress is a dark purple and hugs my breast and squeezes my waist. I step into my single strap black sandals. I stare at myself a moment longer before Eric walks in on me.

"You are stunning..." He looks me over his eyes pleased. "Come on then before we're late for this thing."

"Would being a little late be so bad?" I ask my nose scrunched up.

He runs his fingers along my nose and slaps my butt. "Go." I walk out the room and out to the car. Sitting in the car I fiddle with my fingers. I'm not very good at meeting people or doing small talk. Actually I'm really bad at it.

"You're thinking too much again. Relax."

I inhale and exhale, "I'm not good at meeting new people."

"Maia, you have to stop being so insecure. You are a beautiful girl I tell you this often. You need to believe it."

I say nothing as I ponder over his words. Why do I have such a lack of confidence when I do believe what he says. I do believe he sees me and sees this beautiful sexy girl. Even I think I am beautiful when I want to be. Perhaps my problem is I don't think I'm beautiful when I'm not even trying to be. I sigh a sigh of relief. He pulls up to this luxurious mansion. Outside the home are lines of vines along the house and the gates. The home outside is romanticized as I imagine it would be in a sci-fi vampire fiction novel. The lamps of dull lights all along the pathway to the front door. As we stand at the door Eric turns to me and places my mask over my head.

He places his mask on just as the door opens. The door opens curtly and I walk into a dim lit room. Dark wooden floors, crystal chandeliers hanging low at ear level as I walk pass it. The walls are a dark shade of red and the sofas are all black leather. Walking further into the home there are black velvet curtains hanging covering the entry into the party. Coming in front, Eric pulls back the curtain and I walk through.

The place is the same as the entry except there are beds along the perimeter instead of tables. There is a centerpiece that is almost like a maze. People are going in and I witness people coming out one has hand cuffs on her wrists. A woman is naked as she comes out. A man follows holding her clothing in his hands. I notice a man coming out without his shirt, a blindfold and his wrists restrained in zip ties. Another man is guiding him using some sort of stick placing it just under his ass as he walks.

Seeing this I feel something grow in the pit of my stomach. I glance at Eric to find him staring at me, his curiosity peaked. He's wondering what I'm thinking and quite frankly I'm not sure.

"This is a party for dominant's and submissive's?"

He nods his features impassive. I look around to see the servers both men and women are walking around with nothing but leather underwear and collars. They hold different appetizers and drinks as they go around. I smile a little as I see a man walk by his body toned and tan. He winks at me and I feel myself get just a little excited.

Eric comes close and whispers, "Stay close." Possessively, he grabs a hold of my waist pulling me into him.

"So many nipples." I mutter more to myself. And peaking at Eric to see if he heard I notice the flash of humor. He quickly covers returning to his impassive expression.

I bite down on my lip as a man stares at my breast. Eric noticing places his face on the flesh of my breast and sucks at the skin. My breathing hitches before increasing and I feel myself getting aroused by the sudden affection. My use of lace thongs will certainly not be able to keep my arousal from getting on my thighs.

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