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All day all I could seem to think of was him. He was going to meet me after school at the coffee house. Do I ditch Jordan or do I take her with. But I don't want her to be third wheel nor do I want her to offer her opinions. I love her but she is very opinionated. He would probably prefer if it were just us alone.

Jordan laughs talking with her other friend, "Maia? What do you think?"

"Uh I don't know what were we talking about?" Her friend Evelyn noticeably rolls her eyes. "Actually you two just go on I have to make a stop at the store before I go home. My mom needs a few things."

"Alright, we're going to the park if you decide you want to hang out." Jordan adds and I can sense her pity. I somehow always ruin it with her friends. I mean seriously all you had to do was act like you were paying attention. The people in this school are shallow, cold, and just a bunch of gossip girls.

I nod grateful she didn't force me to hang with people who don't notice or care of my existence. Walking over to the coffeehouse I notice him seated at the table a mug in front of him and he's looking around the room. Dressed in his white shirt and denim jeans. I breathe hoping that it will give me some confidence only to fail when his eyes reach me.

I walk over and take a seat across from him, "Hi."

"Maia, are you cold?"

It's 78 degrees outside what kind of a question is that? I notice his gaze shift from my eyes to my sweater. He's picking on you, of course he is it's almost 80 degrees and you're wearing a sweater. His brows raise, expectant of my response. How is it possible that his brows are making me feel even more stupid.

I drop my head, "No."

He places two fingers under my chin, "Hey, head up, it was just a question." Pulling back his hand he reclines in his seat. "Why are you wearing a sweater if you're not cold?"

Why am I? "I just feel more comfortable when I'm wearing one."

"Have you ever tried not wearing one?" I look over my jeans and spaghetti strap top. My shoes wouldn't really go without this sweater. I don't think I've ever gone without a jacket or sweater, ever since I was a kid. Well maybe once and that was beyond embarrassing a kid picked on me practically all day because I had hair on my arms.

"Yes...I just don't like to go without it."

"Insecure?" He said his tone clipped yet inquisitive. Was that a question? I said nothing but my reply would have been along the lines of very, obviously, most definitely, yeah. He's looking me over and I imagine him liking what he sees, only to notice his sudden look of distaste. His nose scrunched up, like a twitch it could have almost gone unnoticed. Almost.

"'ve just proven why I shouldn't be here." And as the words leave his lips everything in me drops to my feet.

"What do you mean? What did I do? I really want this to work." I want to look, feel and be sexy.

He chuckles, have I humored him with my begging? "Aside from the fact that you're a virgin; let's pretend I'm not 10 years older than you. You are insecure and for what I'm into, you can't be insecure."

Submissive; I read about that, but I can't just make myself not be insecure. It doesn't work like a flip of the switch. It's not like he's not insecure, I mean it's possible that he is, right? Can someone actually not be insecure? Whatever, I want this to work. I've never felt anything like what I felt that first night. I want to feel sexy, maybe my insecurities can go away with more of this. More of him.

He eyes me as if he's trying to get into my mind. He looks around the room for a moment before exhaling. "What do you remember?"

"What I don't remember is why you didn't have sex with me?"

"You were drunk and fell asleep. That and you never consented to my lifestyle."

I play with my fingers for a moment before looking at his cold drink, "What do you mean I never consented to your lifestyle?"

"Maia this is a lot to discuss over cold coffee."

"How can I make you have me or want me?" I ask hearing the whiny annoying childlike sound escaping my own lips.

Again he chuckles his eyes dancing with humor, "I already want you Maia." Oh, okay. I feel the sudden gush of heat on my face.

He goes on, "With Dominant and submissive relationships it's much deeper than a regular relationship. The intimacy is different the sex is much different. I can't be your first..."

"Oh..." that's what this is about. Because I'm a virgin. As if readin my expression he sighs runs his hand on his nape before leaning forward locking his hands on the table.

"I find your virginity refreshing. Hell at your age I had already had sex with ten other girls." I feel my face twist with similar distaste and again hear the sound of his chuckles amongst the murmurs of the coffeehouse.

"I didn't mean to disgust you, I apologize." He says his eyes still clearly humored by me. "Maia....why don't you come to my house again this time of your own free will and we can talk more then. I can't quite discuss this here."

I nibble on the inside of my lip, " did you become this way."

His eyes flickered all humor gone replaced with something I'm unfamiliar with. "A woman in Europe brought me into it."


"I've traveled a lot, most recently I was in Europe with nothing but a back pack and my camera. A woman helped me when I was down on my luck, as some might say. And introduced me to this...erm lifestyle."

"I see." I say noticing the ghastly look in his features and the cold clipped tone he used to tell the story. It didn't seem all that much like a happy story. Feeling him slipping away from me, distancing himself in his own head. I try desperately to make the conversation get just a little lighter.

"How long were you in Europe I've never really traveled."

"A decade, it's a trip I would highly recommend. Make your way to Andorra, truly a beautiful place."

I smile noticing his distant smile surface. A man that travels and I've never been outside of New York let alone America. All my family is here. My father lost his parents as a teenager he has a sister that he doesn't get along with so we don't speak. My mother was the only child my grandfather passed after I turned 10. My grandmother passed the year after. All I have is my mama, daddy, and sister. There was never any reason to travel.

"You're thinking."

"Just about how amazing it must've been to travel."

"It was." He glanced down at his watch, "Maia, I will text you my address. If you're still interested I'm willing to talk more."

"Wait you're still..."

"Maia, I want you very much even in that damned sweater." I laugh and it makes him smirk that cunning smirk. He taps on the table as he rises. His physique making me drool, and him in a towel floods my mind.

"You're having dirty thoughts." I nod, he nods with a flick of a smirk before he clenches his jaw and walks away.

I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding. I need him. I really do want more of him. I release my lip and shut my legs feeling exposed though I'm sure no one knows what I'm thinking about. I blush, horny girl, why don't you open your books and study something. And I listen to my subconscious opening my review book and begin studying.


Curious, what are you opinions on the fact that he's 10 years older?

Wattpad has put me through it with this chapter today. But I updated today because I was bored and I have been sick all day. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I will still be updating Friday.

Later Loves -x

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