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After two weeks of being away from him I'm finally going to see him. To say I've missed him would be an understatement. He didn't do much talking other than the occasional sext messaging. He called yesterday and told me he was beginning to think he would have to come to my home and fuck me with my parents and sister just in the other room.

As usual I'm dressed, horny, and ready to go around two in the morning. The entire drive back I rest my hand on his leg trying to show him just how much I missed him. Without giving away too much and coming off as clingy. He's quiet and in his head which for some reason is unsettling; it's just not like him. Not a smirk or any inclination he's happy to see me. I mean I'm sure he is he's practically begged for me in our brief time apart. Pulling into the driveway before I can ask how he is he is already out the door.

He opens my door, pulls me out of the car throwing me on his shoulder. My god how I have missed this, the feeling of his hands on me. My ass sits by his head as I hang over his back. His hand is pressed on my ass as his arm holds my legs in place.

"You took far too long to come back to me." He finally says, huskily. I smile at myself, I knew he missed me.

He takes me straight into his play room. "Strip." He says as he sits on a chair. Smiling too big, I have to force myself not to. I remove my skirt letting it pool at my converses. His eyes linger on my newest pair of blue lace panties. My breathing gets heavy as I watch him watch me. Get a grip Maia he has seen you naked many times before. His eyes darken, this is turning him on. I use my foot stepping on the back of my shoe as I slip out of it. Doing the same to the other. I pull my shirt over my head for him to see the matching lace unpadded bra. My nipples quickly harden at the cool air. I look down at them just before looking at him and mistakingly bite down on my lip.

In a instant he is knocking over the chair to get to me. His hands gripping my waist. The sensation of desire, lust, and his flesh on mine cause goosebumps to ride my skin. His lips tug on mine, his gang nipping my lip as he's quick and feverish, eager to get his mouth on mine. His teeth bite down on my bottom lip, pulling. My lip escapes his grasp and he whispers.

"Release your lip."

I feel the want for him as he walks over to the wall. His broad shoulders and masculine muscles flex through his fitted white shirt. He turns around earning my gasp at the sight of the flogger in hand. The black rod in his hand the strand like tassels hanging there, taunting me. Just say black you know you don't like this toy. Just say this is a hard limit and you don't want to do it. He'll stop and you won't even have to feel it. Say it now before he does it. Relax, it's for pleasure not pain.

Pleasure not pain.

He has used this flogger twice before. Only once before did it hurt more than it was a sensual turn on. I can physically feel myself tensing. His hands rub up my ass grazing my back increasing the goosebumps as he trails my neck. He grabs the lot of my hair tugging my head slowly so that my face is forced to look up. He towers over me and the brightness of the light makes looking at him difficult. I want to see him though.

"I want you.....get on all fours." Releasing my hair I get down on all fours. Not sure if I'm still turned on or if my rapid breathing is fear. I'm okay just think sex; I remind myself as my hands and knees press into the plush throw rug.

"Relax." He coos.

And in the dim of the room he does a light stroke. And I relax liking the feeling of being beating on the round of bum. He strokes me again and this time I squirm beginning to feel the build up and gratification. I want this, he strokes again.

Pleasure not pain.

"You've made me wait too long Maia." His voice is in a different state. Not the usual lustful state I'm used to. Is possible that it was deeper than normal and a little off beat. He strokes again just a little harder and I moan as it hits just by my center.

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