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I haven't been able to get Barcelona off my mind. A week in Barcelona with Eric that sounds like heaven. Maybe then he and I could get to something so much more deeper. I've chosen to keep it from my parents for just a little longer. While I want to tell them I know they won't approve. As of late it seems like Jordan hates him. Jordan hugs me from behind as I stand in my closet undecided on what to wear for the day. This shirt hugs my breast but it hangs down my behind and it isn't working for this skirt.

"What's up you've been texting all serious. Why couldn't you ask the favor in person?"

"Sit down." I say patting the bed. She rolls her eyes but quickly joins me on the bed.

I smile as I sit across from her, "It's just a tiny favor...all you have to do is tell my mom I'm staying with you for the week. She won't mind we've done it so many summers before. Eric is going out for a week and wants me to come along."

"What am I supposed to do without you for the week you're supposed to be with me." I don't know, I simply shrug. She sighs her arms crossed over her legs, "Maia don't you think this has gone too far?"

"No, why do you think it has?" I rise from the bed stepping to my closet to change from my clothes. I knew what she would say and why wouldn't she? We haven't really been hanging out like we used to. Jordan has been a huge asset to the stories I tell my parents. She's the reason I get to see Eric and be with him. Without Jordan agreeing to this I can't go with Eric to Barcelona.

I remove my shirt switching into my crop top, thinking it would go much better with this skirt.

"Maia, what is that?!"


"Has he hit you? Maia you have marks on your back that look really bad."

"It isn't what you think. And it doesn't even hurt-"

"Maia do you hear yourself?! Maia he's obviously hitting you and your making up excuses for it. Why didn't you tell me or somebody?"

"Calm down before Fray or my mom hears you. And trust me he doesn't just go around hitting me. It's a consensu--"

She interrupts, "You sound crazy Maia! You have to end this it's like he has brainwashed you or something." That sounds ridiculous.

The crazy in her eyes make me wonder how I must look. But she doesn't get it and no one will. I put my hands up attempting to plead my case and she pushes them back down to my side. I'm begging, I am down on my knees the words calling for my best friend to understand, "just listen please."

She cuts me off, "That's it Maia I'm telling your mom."

"No okay please. If you tell my mom that's it. She'll be so strict and controlling Jordan she'll ruin this entire summer, please. Jordan, just don't say anything okay I'll end it."

"Swear to me you'll end it."

"Just give me until tomorrow."

She shakes her head, "I can't believe, I ever liked him."

I hurry to put my shirt on and she storms out of my room. Fraya stands at the doorway of her room. I know she heard and I know she knows I'm still with him. I'm surprised that she hasn't done anything yet. I shut my eyes and walk out the front door. I have to get to Eric.

I call his phone, "Hey...so I don't think Jordan is going to do it. But I think I can come up with something else."

"Maia, it's okay stay here I'll only be gone a week."

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