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He's been getting a lot of phone calls this past week. Apparently it's from Aurora, I've seen her name on the phone screen multiple times. And as I come from the shower after yet another scene I hear his phone ring again. I run his brush through my stringy wet hair as he wraps his towel around his waist. He grabs his phone and walks into the bedroom shutting the bathroom door behind him.

A clear sign he doesn't want me listening in. But I know it's her...for some reason he doesn't want me to know much about her. He doesn't even want me to know much about him. I wish he would all I know about him is that he loves to cook and he has or had a grandma that owns a restaurant.

"Stop. Stop. Stop!" He shouts his voice rising at he repeats the word. Again it goes silent and I'm quick to do something productive. I grab the lotion and begin rubbing it into my arms.

Again his voice grows louder, "I can't...Aurora I can't. Please stop asking I'm begging you." His voice softened at the end and something was there. This relationship he has with girl has sparked my interest.

He opens the bathroom door, "Still in here?" He asks as if he weren't yelling on the phone moments before.

"Who is Aurora?" I ask the words replaying in my mind. I probably shouldn't have asked I take a peak at his face and regret it even more.

"She's...just someone I knew from Europe."

"I don't believe she's just someone to you."

"Well I don't give a fuck Maia."

"I think you loved her...you sound really vulnerable when you talk to her. That's if you even answer her calls and you usually ignore them. Which begs the question why would you ignore a call if she's just someone?" I try to act all nonchalant like he does whenever she's brought up. Yes attack him focus on him and her. Maybe then you won't have to deal with your truth. For sure, he would preach you be about his worries for you if he focused on himself.

"Maia please leave it alone."

I lotion my arms and leave him alone in the bathroom so I can get some clothes on. And of course he wants me to know nothing. Besides, it's his history what does it matter to me? No, it matters because it's interfering with now. I pull up my panties and throw over one of his shirts before climbing into bed.

I can feel him watching me as he stands at the doorway of the bathroom. But I choose to ignore him and focus my attention on my cell phone not like I'm getting any text messages but I can play a game of candy crush.

"She was my dominant...and I don't like talking about it or her. I told you she showed me this lifestyle and changed a lot of things about me. She was done with me and now all of the sudden she wants me back. Don't ask anymore questions about her."

"Are you going to leave for her...to be with her?" I shut my eyes waiting his reply. Why would I even ask that?

The bed shuffles as he climbs in bed behind me, "I'm not going anywhere. Much like you've chosen me. I've chosen you."


We have had our play and we have had our fun. I miss home but I'm finding it somewhat easy to make this place my new home. I can be happy here. I dip my toe into the pool feeling the warmth from the sun. I let both feet in as I begin to let the sun soak in my skin.

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