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In the morning he makes me breakfast with a guacamole tomato paste spread with a side of freshly cut fruit salad and mimosa to drink. He kisses at my neck and takes his seat eating his toast. He's being different this morning oddly reserved and affectionate.

He sighs for a moment, "I've gotten to like your company this weekend."

"It was an amazing weekend." I say, mostly talking about that anniversary party.

He grabs my chin getting me to focus, "No seriously Maia, I want you to consider staying longer next time. Maybe staying for a week this summer or even staying with me the entire summer."

I bite down on my lip and he moves his hand from my chin, before returning his attention to his plate. I'm sure he can tell where this conversation is inclined to go. I would love to stay here with him. But I have a family that know nothing about him. I don't want to keep lying to them and I don't like the idea of my parents knowing either. While our ages may not matter to each other, it matters to others. My parents are no exception, they will definitely say I'm too young.

"Just think about it." He says avoiding looking at me.

"I will think about it." I say not sure that it's the truth. He says nothing more as he runs his hands down my thigh, still enjoying his breakfast. After breakfast I shower and get dressed. He puts on his shades before we walk out the door. The car ride back was quiet only the sound of a low hum of the radio. This is different and something about us now feels different. I'm probably reading into nothing.

Back home, I open the door setting my bag down. "I'm home!"

Fraya comes from the back, "They're not here. Mom's gone food shopping and dad is out with Barry." She walks back to her room then returns glancing at me sideways.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm back home. This is where I live."

"Nice try liar. You said you were going with Jordan...You and Jordan shouldn't be back for another hour. She just posted a picture on Instagram saying goodbye to her grandma." She scolds me, "What are you hiding?!"

Just as I'm prepared to work up a lie I choose against it. The battle of tell her don't tell her has hushed. The current angst I feel being caught in my web of lies does not miss me. Focus Maia.

"I wasn't with Jordan."

"Obviously!" She hisses.

"I was with a friend for the weekend. A guy I happen to be in--"

She interrupts, "All this lying and sneaking for a boy Maia?" I shrug and unexpectedly she smiles. "Well tell me about him."

I smile feeling a little more relaxed, I sit on the sofa and run over everything. Except the sexual things. Just mostly about his personality. From the way I spoke of him he sound like the perfect guy. He cooks, love to take photos especially of me. He is funny, protective, and possessive. She didn't like the use of the term possessive but that was one thing about him. He liked to call me his or make sure that I knew I was his.

Saying that I began to wonder myself. Why is it that I'm his and he still doesn't feel like he's mine. Again I push it off into the far back of my mind. I am only 18, life doesn't need to be taken so seriously.

As we're talking about guys my mom walks in. "Oh hey girls, Maia good to see your back home. Could you ladies help me bring the bags in."

We both got up to help her and for the rest of the day she and I hadn't spoke about it much more. I went and my room and napped until dinner rolled around. I ate dinner and texted Jordan to see if she got in yet. She simply said that they decided to stop over at her uncle's house and they would be staying there the night leaving first thing in the morning.

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