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Waking Saturday morning in his bed after the night I had with him last night I feel like I'm in an on going dream. He isn't in bed when I wake but I can hear him bustling around in the kitchen. I grab the slip from the floor and slip it on. Walking into the kitchen I find him placing his plate at the island and he turns around placing down another.

"I thought I heard you. How'd you sleep?"


"Sore at all? I may have been a little rougher than usual with you last night, I seen spotting."

"A little sore." I sit down and take a bite of the french toast. "Delicious oh my god, its so sweet." He cut at his french toast with a fork and knife while I eat with just a fork. He glances at me and due to my awkwardness it makes me giggle.

"What is it do I have syrup on my face?"

He shakes his head, "You don't realize how sexy you are."

I shrug, "I guess not."

I think on that as I eat my food. It's not that I don't think I'm an attractive girl I just don't think I'm sexy. Way too awkward, long but short. I have not much to my leg but I come with round hips and a round butt. I sound weird cursing and I am as basic as they come. While I'm not ugly I wouldn't say I'm sexy.

"I want to do something." He takes my plate as I am no longer eating placing our dishes in the sink. I was merely playing with my crusts as I have never liked the crust of bread.

"Stand for me, don't move."

He circles around me in his denim jeans. His chest and torso on full display. I stare at the packs and the way his body looks so masculine and mature. My eyes seeing the hairs just under his naval and my eyes begin to wander lower. Looking at his eyes for a moment I see that he is watching me ogle him. He looks amused and aware. The lascivious look he is giving me, I blush embarrassed, seeing me practically drool.

Could I be anymore immature?

"Don't think so much Maia. Will you do something for me?" He asks.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No." He smirks, his jaw locking and unlocking. He walks towards me and with a swift motion his hand reaches for the string on my dress loosening it. I quickly hold up the dress keeping it from falling and he just as quickly grabs hold of my hands. He takes them moving them from the dress.

My dress drops, he and I both letting it pool at my feet. He kisses at the skin of my shoulder, his lips there only for a second. I feel as though he only brushed my skin. But though his lips are farther from me I feel the linger, as though they are still touching me.

I exhale trying to remain calm, I clear my throat, "I um...I've never done anything like this before. In a kitchen I mean obviously..."

He removes my bra unclamping it. Before he looks at me and smirks.

"You have the most beautiful body...you shouldn't be hiding it from the world." He takes my boy shorts pulling them down, his fingers sliding down my legs. At the intimate touch I find myself heating up.

He holds my calf as he looks up at me. Lifts my foot and I become unbalanced. Wobbling; he chuckles a little before steadying me. Removing the underwear, he continues to stare up at me his blue eyes locked with mine. He tosses them aside taking the dress that still sits around my feet and tosses that as well. Standing naked in his glass house I begin to play with my fingers.

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