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I come from my room dressed for school. My navy blue school shirt tucked inside my denim jean shorts. I leave my hair down not styling it in any particular way. I put on a little make up in hopes of seeing Eric later or Master or sir or whatever. I haven't exactly gotten that part down yet. I'd really prefer to just call him Eric, it fits him. I smell the pancakes in the air and it makes my stomach growl with anticipation.

"Good morning everyone." I say only to find my dad seated at the table and my mom in front of the griddle.

"Oh well, good morning to you to." Mom sings.

My sister Fraya comes from her room her excitement palpable, "So I have enough money to get the camera I want!" Practically screaming from the top of her lungs. While that's not exactly all that special; since she has three other cameras I feel, look all the same; we each congratulate her.

"Congrats!" Mom says cheerily.

"That's great." I say making her look at me skeptically.

"Why are you so....cheery?" She asks sounding almost unconvinced.

I shrug and sit at my seat only to have my mom make up a reason for me, "Because this morning we find out if Maia got accepted into NYU!" Or maybe because she finally had sex and feels like a care free woman.

I smile masking my thoughts by breakfast. As she places the mini tower of pancakes in front of us. My dad reaches for the pancakes first placing three on his plate. Two on my mom's. I grab one and Fraya grabs one.

My mom hands me the letter just after taking her seat. I rip along the top with a butter knife my nerves and anticipation seeping onto the torn envelope. I pull out the paper reading the words, my skimming darting from one end to the other.

"Dear Ms. Maia Candor, In regards to your application submitted....We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into...."

My mom shouts, "She got in! You got in! My baby got in!"

Fraya pats my mom's shoulders, "Relax mama it's not Harvard it's just NYU."

I scream at the top of my lungs! My dad laughs a hearty laugh while my mother tries containing her excitement. But I don't care, I get out my chair and dance all by myself singing to myself the three words. "I got in."

"This is great! I have to go tell Jordan!" I don't even eat my pancakes before I'm slipping on my shoes and running to the cafe.

The bell rings as I walk in the smell of coffee suffocates my overused lungs. And I run over to our window booth. I shake her up as I hand her the papers so she can read them for herself. My knees move with excitement waiting for her to get to the good part. I watch as her eyes dart over the paper and I shut my eyes refraining from squealing until after she does.

"Way to go Maia! Oh my god we're going to celebrate, tell me we're celebrating!"

Now I squeal!

"I'm sure my mother will plan something." I sigh a breath of relief as I finally take a seat along side Jordan. Elijah walks over holding both our usuals.

"What's the big hollers?" He pauses and rephrases, "I meant, what's the big deal or what's with all the hollers?"

Jordan laughs lightly and I smile, "I got into NYU."

He smiles placing his hand on my arm "That's great news Maia. Congratulations! In honor of getting in, the drinks are on the house."

Jordan smiles and in unison we both, "Thank you Elijah."

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