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I wake, my body feels sore and my limbs ache. I don't feel that I can move. My head is spinning and my stomach is churning. I grab for my stomach and only then do I acknowledge my nudity. Examining the room from my one eye I am in some fancy place with only solid white walls. If I was in my normal state of mind I would be concerned. But all I can seem to think is, where can I spew?

I make no effort to get up just lying here hoping God will help me. A man walks in tall, fit, and hot.

"I have a coffee and tylenol, for one drunk."

If only I was in my natural state of mind this would have been funny to me. "Are you God?"

"I don't usually go by that name." He takes me by my limp arms and forces me to sit up. "Here have this."

At this slight motion I find myself prepared to spew. He drops the Tylenol and places a bin under me in the same moment. Holding the white marble bucket now full of liquid vomit.

"You were going to puke all over my foot. That's disrespectful."

"Thank you." I had meant thank you for the bin. As I've mentioned before I'm not in the proper mind state. I have never been shit face drunk. I've never even been tipsy. This, what I'm currently feeling is new to me. It is hell rendering me to reconsider drinking alcohol, ever.

He swears, "I'll go get you another don't pick up that bloody pill." So I don't not that I'm in any mood to move much more. He walks back looks at the pill on the floor and smiles as he tilts my head. "Open." I open my mouth. He drops the pill and brings the steaming coffee to my lips.

"You're very good at listening."

It was a weird thing to compliment me on so I decided to pretend I didn't hear it. "Go on drink some more." He chided and I did as told not wanting to ruin my good listening skills. Then I squinted and seen the time posted on the wall.

"Oh hell." I said wincing at the sound of my shriek. I scrambled to get out of bed but my body still felt pained by any form of movement.

"Do you mind giving me a hand? I have to get home so my dad can kill me."

His jaw clenched, then unclenched, "What was that?"

"Please don't make me repeat it I'm very hung over."

"Repeat it." He said more sternly.

"Do you mind giving me a hand? I have to get home so my dad can kill me." He stilled and looked at my body before returning to my face.

"How old are you?"


"Get dressed lets get you home."

"Sorry, my limbs feel like noodles and I couldn't be in more pain."

"It shouldn't be all that painful compared to just discomfort."

"What? Wait what happened last night?"

"Nothing to worry yourself over. Come on then." He leans over lifting me up and holding me close to him. The scent wafting off of him hits my senses and very little memories of our night before floods my membrane. I'm completely naked....that must mean I've had sex. Right?

The way he was so close to me yet I couldn't see him. The way I could smell him and couldn't feel him. The way his body was so close but seemed so far. The way his abdomen felt beneath my fingertips. The drinking that got me full on drunk.

"This is your dress and your bra. I can't find your panties but that's because I made you toss them. I'm sure I can find them later."

"Why would you--no no it's fine. I just I have to get home, I have school today."

"Shit--come on, get in the dress."

After working myself into the dress and tip toeing out of his house with my shoes in hand. He hands me a pair of girly sunglasses. I would question it but I don't really think I want to know. I consider cleaning them but instead I put them on and drop my head trying to avoid the gaze of the sun on me. I feel as though the sun is scolding me for drinking under age. I mutter under my breath, I will never get drunk or drink again.

He holds the door for me and takes my hand helping me inside. He gets in the driver seat and speeds off as if he knows where he's going.

"Where am I supposed to be taking you?" Did I say that aloud or can he just read minds?

"Coffee shop on Fifth Ave is just fine. I can find my own way home."

"Are you sure? You look like you're in miserable conditions and in last nights clothing. The obvious walk of shame..."

He's absolutely right, I look terrible. I don't really want to go into the cafe looking like this. I bite down on my lip and I really should probably go to school. I mean what were we thinking clubbing on a school night? If my mother finds out she will officially lose her mind. My dad would probably kick me out. This is not good.

My mind reeling I almost forget he's in the car until he sighs, "Relax, I can see steam coming from your brain."

"What should I do?" I finally ask.

He smiles an actual smile that finally isn't a smirk, "For starters, stop what you're doing. The lip biting especially. Secondly, I will get you some things and you can do something for me in return."

"Clothes for a favor....that doesn't really seem fair." I say after thinking it over.

"How old are you?"

"I just turned 18 last night."

"Oh for fucks sake....you're an impeccable 18 year old."

Again caught off guard, I reply reluctantly, "Thanks?"

"How'd you get into the club yesterday?"


Again he clenches and unclenches his jaw. "Right, well I enjoyed your company last night. I will get you the clothes no favor necessary. Just please don't go into a club like that again."

"Okay." I say and for some reason his eyes focus in on me. He's staring at me lasciviously similar to the way he did in the club. I shift in the seat, uncomfortable, no doubt due to the lack of panties. Or perhaps because I look like I've been hit by a bus. I wouldn't mind so much if I actually looked decent.

"You're so obedient." He says more to himself than to me focusing on the road again. So again I choose to ignore it.

"Did we really have sex yesterday?"

"I never actually penetrated you...so no."

"Oh? So....I'm still a virgin."

He intakes a sharp breath and his surprise is evident, "You're a virgin....at 18." He looks in his mirror before switching lanes. He shuts his eyes momentarily before looking back to the road, "You've never been touched?"

"I mean felt up yeah....other than that no. What exactly did we do?"

He smirks, "We played, you're a very flexible little thing." He shakes his head still smirking as if remembering last night. I'm not even remotely flexible that would explain the pain. "But I certainly think you shouldn't be anywhere near a bar unless you're prepared to lose your virginity."

"I am...I've never really had the opportunity too. I thought I lost it last night by you. Which would be great I mean you're hot like really hot. You seem really kind." I am rambling.

He stops me there, "You deserve to lose your virginity to someone you care for. Not someone like me. Not some guy you meet in a bar. Here's Bloomingdales, take this go buy whatever you want." He hands me a black card his name etched in silver.


"Are you serious?" I ask unable to hide my evident shock. No one just hands out black cards.

"Very. Go." By the deep tone and serious look on his face I abide. I walk briskly into the store.

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