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3 Years Later

My sister and my best friend sit along side me in the foot court of the mall. Just across the way from the Apple Store and Kay Jewelers. Eating a fry and listening to Jordan go on about her and Elijah's most recent fail of a date. Just as I bust out laughing at what she had said someone called my name.

The voice was familiar and made Fraya look up in surprise. So I turned looking up to see the cause of her surprise.

"Maia?" There it was again.

I look around and he is approaching apprehensively. Oh my gosh he's here. It's him. You should probably say something. His hair, longer by just a little and a lot more professional business man like. His eyes stare into mine the way they always had. And his smirk was still the same flirtatious one, I once adored.

He says my name again this time a little bit mystified. Wow look at him. No don't, I glance at Jordan and Maia before looking back at him. Yeah he's here...Maia you should really say something. And almost for a good fifteen minutes we're looking at each other in an awkward silence.

"Maia...I would recognize that laugh anywhere." There it is again...and some part of me chuckles, when did I laugh?

I smile and finally my brain is able to form words, "'s been a long time. You look good." I can feel my heart racing in my chest the birthday gift. He's back in town the gift is from him I wonder how he knew.

"If you consider three years a long time."

I nodded, "That's right it's been three years." I look over my shoulder briefly and glance at my sister and Jordan. Neither of them are saying anything they're both in a look of shock.

I look back to him as he looks me over, "You're still beautiful as ever Maia."

"Thank you."

He looks behind me for what I think is the first time he noticed I was with people. "Hello ladies. Maia we should really catch up sometime."

"You know what yes we should it's been three years."

"So how about lunch maybe Saturday?"

"Yeah sure, I'm free."

"Is your number still the same?"

"It is..."

He smirks once again, "Then I'll see you Saturday."

And with that he walks away. Dressed in denim jeans and a button up. He glances back and I take that as my queue to sit back down. Three years and just looking at him I feel myself slipping back into my insecurities.

Jordan sips from her straw and I grab another fry. She sighs, "What are the odds of that?" At the thought of him I momentarily lose my appetite tossing my fry back in its tray. He really did look good, he's should be 31 now?

My sister mumbles, "I thought he left town."

"That's what I had heard." I say.

And each of us stare at each other and I try hard not to smile too much. While, I may not have expected it I'm glad it happened. While we may not have ended the way I would have liked. He was still the man I was falling in love with. I never really had the chance to tell him that I loved or was falling in love with him. Perhaps this could be our second chance? How often do second chances happen?


This is the end! I hope you all enjoyed it and I'd really like for you all to join me with book 2, titled Mature. I hope that you all will join me I'm very excited about this one and can't wait for you all to read. So check out my works look for Mature and read, comment, and vote.

Later loves

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