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I had decided not to go to school. But I also had decided not to go home until after school hours. I spent majority of my time inside the coffee shop hoping to run into Elijah. But he hadn't come in. I hoped I'd see Jordan but she also hadn't come in. To add to the craziness I misplaced my phone. So I sat in the coffee shop drinking coffee after coffee trying to recollect the events of last night.

My father hadn't yelled in fact he hadn't said anything upon my entry. Though I had come home in an entirely different attire, wearing linen pants, a spaghetti strap and a large blazer. I thought they'd at least ask about the different wardrobe but no one asked anything. My mom hinted at asking if I had a good time yesterday. I simply mumbled back it was great and walked briskly to my room. I felt weird walking into my room like everyone was onto me, knowing that I was keeping something from them. I think it's pretty obvious I didn't do things like this. I sat on the bed and decided I needed a shower and to put on clothes of my own.

After coming from the shower I tied my wet hair up into a bun and sat in front of my laptop. The entire time in the shower I couldn't help but think of him. Mostly because I had love bites all along my underwear line. I also had been getting glimpses of last night and my cheeks felt like they were burning a permanent crimson.

So I did what any sane person would do and googled him. I remember his name from the card he had given me to go shopping. His name read Eric Blackman. A name to fit the sexy beast that was him.

He's 28, and he is a photographer somewhat known on Instagram and snapchat for his photos. He travels and posts it all on social media. His birthday is December 30th. There was no year to confirm but as far as I am concerned he is an interesting guy. He's lived such a fascinating life. Whereas I have barely touched the surface.

A knock startles me and I close my laptop to find Jordan already walking in.

"Oh thank god!" She squeals exhausted.

She looks worse than I did. Her hair in a sloppy side pony that is barely hanging on. Her eyes look like she has gotten little to no sleep. Around her eyes were visibly darker than normal. It didn't help that her mascara was smudging.

"Hey, why do you look like crap?"

"Maybe because I lost my best friend at a club last night!"

"Keep it down." I whisper shout.

She slaps me up, "Maia, you were at the party with me. Elijah and I were drinking and dancing and you were talking with that guy. Next thing we know you're no where in sight. We looked all over the club for you. I went into every bathroom stall. I called your name outside the club! We couldn't find you."

"I left with him." I say softly.

"You just left, you could have told us Maia. And what if he was dangerous. What if he was an ax murderer." Cliché, isn't that what everyone assumes the strange conspicuous hot guy is, an ax murderer?

"He wasn't...he was sweet he helped me out so much this morning. Even gave me a ride to the coffeehouse, helped me puke and take some aspirin. He even took me shopping at Bloomingdales and bought me clothes."

"Okay who is this guy and why is he so amazing?"

I snicker, "I don't know much honestly...his name is Eric Blackman."

"Well look him up." This is why she's my best friend, now I won't feel so weird for looking him up. She grabs my laptop opening it to see I had already been looking him up. She laughs shaking her head.

"So what did you two do?"

"That's the thing...I don't remember." I said not being completely truthful. Jordan looked me over.

"You're still a virgin." She said in a tone that wasn't necessarily in a form of a question.

After looking him up and going through his social media accounts she and I finally gave him a break. She and I joined my mom to watch some television. My mom was home most of the time due to the fact that she's a homemaker. My dad works and my mom does everything else. But every now and then she sits to watch some television and usually it's those shows with the raunchy housewives.

After the tv show ended my mother shook her head, "That woman is a mother, for gods sake. How can she sleep with her neighbors son?"

Jordan smiled, and I already knew what she was thinking. After my mother left to start dinner Jordan scooted closer.

"With a son looking like that? I would have fucked him the minute he called me mommy."

I laugh, "You are disturbing. That's her neighbor's son!"

She shrugs her shoulders impassively and she decides she should probably get home. After saying goodbye she calls the house phone.

"I know you're home why aren't you answering my text messages."

I whisper, "I've misplaced my phone I have no idea where it is."

She groans, "Ugh talk later." I hang up and find Fraya walking into the house.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." She says peeling her backpack off. Fraya walks back to her room after greeting my mom. Fraya and I aren't like most sisters, mostly because she and I are both weird. While I want to fit in she desires to be far from society and all things normal. I wish sometimes that I could be like her and not care. But truth of the matter is that I do. While Fraya is abnormal in that sense she is also still pretty cool without trying.

When Fraya was in school she fit in with the druggies, the misfits, and others. She says she never did drugs she stayed clear of it. But she did paint a mural on the school wall with some of the school misfits. Who believed they were standing up to the principal for his injustice. She ended up making friends with some very ordinary people because she was also on the yearbook committee.

Either way she was better at this age than me. I have Jordan. All I have is Jordan, I'm way too weird and small talk makes me anxious. Plus guys don't usually gravitate towards me. Except maybe the immature ones in gym when they're poking my butt with hockey sticks. Jordan seems to think it's my over sized jackets and sweaters that keep a wall up blocking people from seeing me. Fraya says it may just be that I don't know how to speak the human tongue. But she's an in idiot. My mom says maybe high school just isn't when I shine. As if I'd be any better in college. Though I'm hoping so.

My mom calls us all in for dinner just as my dad gets home. My dad shouts, "Family Game Night!" I laugh as he comes up along side me, "They won't know what hit them today Mai, I've been reading the dictionary on break again."

I laugh, "And I've been reading the thesaurus."

He claps his hand coming in contact with my back, "That's my girl." Averting his attention to my mother he shouts, "Babe, what have you made for dinner? I'm starving you only gave me a sandwich for lunch!"

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