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I wasn't entirely happy with the ending of the last chapter. Because I so desperately want for you all to get to the good stuff. Here's an early publish. I'm so hungry and this is the only thing I have to pass the time until I get it. Also, this is one of my longer chapters. So read, comment, and vote. Enjoy!

Later Loves -x

I wake my eyes burning begging to return to their closed state. My mom practically pried me out of bed after coming in for the fourth time. This time I walked into the bathroom brushing my teeth and applying my eyebrows and mascara. I went to the kitchen in my pajamas and ate breakfast with my eyes closed.

Fraya scoffs, "Why are you so tired you went to bed before any of us."

"Which means I also woke up really early." I snap back at her. "I just went back to sleep I'm tired."

"Well aren't you cranky." My dad says coming to sit down at the breakfast table. I notice he is dressed nicely in a suit that was a little snug at his midsection. I also notice my mom is dressed in an equally nice dress.

"Where are you two going?" I ask my voice still coming off grouchy.

My mother pats my shoulder, "You're spilling your cereal milk on your sleeve. Now we're just going for a brunch with some friends from your dad's job."

Fraya rolls her eyes, "Okay so I've got news! Well mom after last night I decided to--"

My mom rushes out, "Go to college?!"

"No college is just corporate way of getting us for our money. They want to control us and I won't subdue myself to such idiocy. It's much better than college."

I roll my eyes at her idiocy and return to my now soggy cereal.

"I've decided I want to travel the world with nothing but my camera and a backpack." And hearing her say that makes me think back to Eric. While my mom and dad both fuss about her plans. I think about this morning.

He walked me inside, his eyes focused in on me. I honestly believe it was because he knew I was wearing nothing underneath my pink sequence dress. The way it exposed my back and the way I had pulled my hair up into a bun. He could only look at me in that lascivious way. I was his prey and I was intoxicated by the way he was looking at me. I like the way he wants me.

He handed me a glass of something rose pink colored similar to the color of my dress. He had me sit down on his white leather sofa. He sat beside me his body radiating warmth. He pulled me close enough that I could breathe in his cologne and fresh linens with every inhale. Intoxicating.


I did as told and the taste on my tongue was a delicious start but had a funny after taste.

"Have you thought about it? Do you think you want this lifestyle?"

"What happens if I say no?"

"I'm going to have my way with you my way. I just want for you to consider it."

"But if I decide to say no that's it after this?"

"Yes....Maia but for tonight we need a safe word." His voice is so silky smooth and entrancing.

"Black." I hadn't thought on it at all. I had made it up on the spot but I figured it made sense since it was in his name.

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