The Deathly Hollowed Man

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Snape's POV:

I stormed into Minerva's office, furious. She was doing paperwork when I walked in and didn't look up when she heard the door slam. I cleared my throat with no response from Minerva.

"Why the bloody hell was I not informed of Miss Granger being my apprentice?!" I thundered, frustrating by Minerva's rudeness. This, of course, led to a fit of coughing.

"Severus. What is the meaning of this? Storming into my office in the middle of the night, shouting at the top of your lungs, and shaming me personally for the advancement of Miss Granger's career. This is highly unfit behavior, Severus." She crossed her arms in an unpleasant manner. "Miss Granger was hired because she was the only one fit for the job, no other reason."

"A little bit of warning that she had arrived would have been helpful, Minerva. And you brought her back because you believe she can heal me, that I am ill again, but that is not the situation. I simply have a harmless and temporary illness. The girl has no place here and is not fit to stand where I once stood and will stand again in only a few short days. She is an insufferable know-it-all who has no place or use at Hogwarts." I barked, enfuriated beyond belief that Minerva had made an arrogant fool of me again.

I went to rant on again, but was interrupted by a knock on the office door. Minerva called for the knocker to enter, and I watched as Miss Granger walked into the room dully. I immediately regretted what I had said, seeing her eyes about to flood. I shoved the emotion deep inside, however, as to make sure I did not show my regret.

"Headmistress M-McGonagall, I would just let to know I have heard the conversation between you and Professor Snape, and cannot help but feel that Professor Snape has expressed his honest feelings about my presence. Of, that is, the tension I bring with me, I must ask that I be permitted to resign from my position."she stated, her voice shaking. I knew this was her dream job, being a professor at Hogwarts, and she was giving it up for me acting like a twat.

"Miss Granger-" I objected, interjecting.

"Excuse my rudeness, Professor, but I believe that nothing you say can change my mind. I had only arrived at my parents' house a minute before Headmistress arrived there. They don't even know who I am anymore! They still let me stay with them but only because they think I am an orphan staying with them! Apparently, though, I belong there, not here." She concluded. "All being said, Headmistress, I ask your permission to begin my return to the home tomorrow."

"I cannot keep you here, my dear, but please rest on it tonight and inform me in the morning." Minerva replied in a hushed and sad tone.

She took Miss Granger's hand in her own and looked her directly in the eyes. They seemed to have a conversation using only their eyes. Minerva begged her to stay, but Miss Granger was always the stubborn one. With a small nod, Miss Granger departed back to her room in the dungeons.

No wonder she had known I was coming. Her room was down the hall from mine. She had probably followed me when she heard my bedroom door slam shut. Children drove me mad.

I was not much more mature, however, as I departed immediately after her from McGonagall's office without saying a word to McGonagall. I'm sure she would understand later. She always did somehow.

I sped down the hall after Miss Granger, not shouting her name. I had an aesthetic to keep. I was severely concerned when I saw her make a left where she should have made a right to go back to her room. Now she was heading to the Gryffindor Common Room. What could she be doing there?

She disappeared behind the picture and I gave up my pursuit then. It bothered me for some reason that I had made Miss Granger cry. I had made plenty of students cry, but this was different somehow. I shook the thought from my head as I made my way back down to my room, resting numerous times along the way. Minerva was right, and so was Miss Granger.  I was lethally ill, but I was too stubborn to admit it to myself before now. What had changed?

I finally arrived at my classroom. Before I retreated to my bedroom, I took a Dreamless Sleep, Sleeping Draught, Illness Sedative, and five glasses of Fire Whiskey. Just as I lay down, however. I heard Miss Granger return to her dormitory. I decided to go and speak with her.

I went to her room in my cloak and teaching attire, knocking lightly. After a few moments, the door opened creakily. She stood there in her nightgown and messy hair. She quickly pulled on her robes and pulled her hair into a bun when she saw it was me at the door.

"Professor, what do you wish to discuss? I doubt there is anything you can say to keep me here or prevent my morning departure, but you may come in nonetheless." She said, stepping to the side of the doorway.

I entered, sitting on a rocking chair in the corner near a fireplace. I sat for a few moments while she took her spot on the bed before I spoke.

"Miss Granger, as much as this pains me, I must admit you were correct in your accusations of me today. Mine, however were falsified by my anger, and-"

"Please, Professor," she interrupted,"you don't have to do this. I am alright."

"But, Miss Granger, as I can see, that is also not true. I have known you for many years now, and as much as you are an insufferable know-it-all, you are also an excellent Potion Brewer, and such talent should not go to waste. As much as I dislike it, I am lethally ill and need your help. You are the only one who knows how to cure me. In that perspective, I must prohibit you to depart in the morning." I said, following it with a coughing fit. Miss Granger immediately stood and got me water, returning and handing me the glass.

"I will stay, but if you are not compatible, then I will not be able to cure you, Professor. Understood?" She said in a definitive voice.

"Understood." I replied. "Good night, Miss Granger." I said, as I departed the dorm room.

I felt satisfied I had fixed the issue at hand, but now needed to fix the illness I could not seem to escape.

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