Pain in The...

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Hermione's POV:

I rose in the morning in the arms of someone. I quietly murmured "Good morning" to Draco. He kissed the back of my head and smiled. I pulled away gently from his warm grasp and went to get ready.

I grabbed the teaching robes I had set out last night and went to the second floor girls room for a shower, where no one ever went. I enjoyed the small talk with Myrtle and privacy when I bathed. I washed up and got ready for the day, then went to go back up to Draco.

Someone stopped me as I was about to run out into the hall, though. It was Snape, who pulled me back into the vacant washroom.

"Miss Granger, we have all made our horrid mistakes, believe me I know, but I must know, is Draco Malfoy the father of your child?" He said, he was tired and exasperated. You could see it in his eyes, the way his voice was raspy, and his darken and sunken cheeks. His illness had increased and it was visibly noticeable. I suddenly felt bad for the poor man, but appalled at the same time.

"Draco?!? Never! Draco is kind and all, but he is not the father of my child! He is a kind man, the father is a horrid and dastardly man! I must return to Draco, though, as he is currently alone in my dormitory." I concluded, attempting to sidestep him. He again grabbed my arm.

"Alone in your dormitory? The two of you spent the night together? That is against school policy, Miss Granger! I could terminate your employment simply for that! Did you realize the seriousness of your situation?!?!" He was very angry, the flame in his eyes scared me and intrigued me at the same time.

"He had nowhere else to stay, Professor! Not all of us are as heartless as you! I allowed him in my room as a close friend! That's all!" I snapped back.

"I heard the two of you snogging!"

"It's not my fault you're jealous of your godson and I!"

"It's not my fault I know he can never care about you the way I care for you!"

Then there was silence. There was no words, only me standing there in shock. It appeared as if he was standing there in shock also, unsure of how to react. I stayed for a minute then ran past him and out of the room. I couldn't go to Draco or McGonagall, so I went to the only one I knew to go to in any moment.

I whispered the password to the Fat Lady and slid into the Common Room. I grabbed Ginny's wrist and aparrated us to Hogsmeade without a word.

When we arrived, Ginny turned and hugged me. That's why I love Ginny, she just always knows and never questions. She truly is amazing that way.

As I explained everything that had happened to her, we walked to the book store and spent hours in there before heading to get butter beer and apparating back to Hogwarts for dinner.

"I don't know, Mione. Are you sure Snape actually said that you?" She asked.

"Positive! I heard him clear as day!"

"The war changed us all, Mione. I don't know what you should expect. THE feared Severus Snape said this? You're not mistaken?"

"I'm not! And I think I may care for him, too."



"You've truly gone mad, Hermione Jean Granger."

"I have not, I have simply fallen for a boy for real. No offense to Ron. But at this point, I don't know the difference between going mad and falling in love. I may have done both. But, Ginny, you must understand you cannot tell anyone I have feelings for Professor Snape. It will be frowned upon. Not everyone is as forgiving and understanding as you."

"I promise I won't tell anyone, Mione."

What I didn't see that day was Ron Weasley, hiding behind the wall and eavesdropping on his sister and I with revenge in his heart.

I came into the Potions classroom to do my work during free period the next day and nearly had a heart attack.

Sitting in the room were a ton of boys I had known growing up.

"What is this?" I directed the question at Ronald, knowing this would upset him immensely since he was the leader of the group.

"Don't you see Mione? No. Then I guess I must explain. I brought all the boys who have ever fancied you here. I cannot standby and let you be with someone you don't deserve to be with. I deserve you Mione. I DO!!!!"

"Ron, you've gone completely mad! What is this to do?"

I stared around the room. Ionly knew some of all of the men in the full room. The ones I saw that I knew consisted of McCormack, Draco, Viktor Krum, Theo Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Harry, Remus, and even Slughorn. So many men had fancied me I had no idea half of them even fancied me. Poor lads.

"Listen, everyone, I'm immensely sorry for this misunderstanding, but I don't need any guidance! I'm perfectly fine!"

Krum charged through the crowd, grabbed me, and was about to apparate when Snape stormed in, enfuriated, and set a cruciatus curse on him.

I watched in horror as he twisted in pain, writhing every second. I finally managed to end the curse.

I tore from the room and ran to the bathroom, getting sick again. Again, Severus helped me. When I was finally finished, he helped me up onto my feet and over to the wall.

He then carried me like a child to my dormitory, much to my dismay. He was ill and need not anymore struggling or difficulty. He put me in my room, however, and gave me a butterbeer. 

I didn't know the beer was laced with Sleeping Draught until after I drank it. A clever man, that Severus is. I can honestly say I was asleep in minutes. And worried not about the next day, for I knew he would take care of me and keep me safe.

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