Half-Blood Princess

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Snape's POV:

I slowly woke up to the sound of a baby laughing. I sat up from the huddled position I was in on the cotton chair, aching and wincing as the pain of my illness settled in.

I stretched and blinked ferociously a couple of times, attempting to wake up fully. My Herat smiled as my eyes opened, seeing Hermione tickling little Eileen. She was smiling down at the child, and looked beautiful. I walked over til I was beside her and she smiled up at me. My heart burst in joy as I smiled back down at heart, brushing a loose stand of golden hair out of her eyes.

I leant down as she sat up, our lips only centimeters away from one another. Then, it got ruined.

"Cruciatus!" Lucius cried as he burst in the door of the hospital room.

I writhed in pain and so did Hermione. I watched helplessly as she cried physically and verbally as slow tears trickled down her pristine cheeks. I struggled to stay strong and not cry out, but the pain got the best of me as they dragged Hermione and little Eileen out of the room. Eileen cried in Lucius' arms, a maniacal smirk on his ugly, unshaved face.

Thorfinn Rowle dragged me out moments after, but, by the time we got into the hall, the others were long gone. Thorfinn laughed as I winced and struggled under his tight grasp on my shirt.

"Ah, Severus, you pitiful dunderhead. Don't you worry about that filthy little mudblood and disgusting half-blood child of hers. Hell, I may be mine, even. We all took turns having fun with the wasteful plaything. You could've joined us if you weren't cowering downstairs. You worthless arse, I can't wait to see you sentenced to death by the Ministry." He whispered, his tone dripping with evil and laced with venom.

"Sh-shut up." I stuttered out between clenched teeth and unstoppable pain. My skin burned and my eyes ached, praying the torture would stop soon. I would let them see they were getting to me, though. No, I would watch them get frustrated, just as Thorfinn did then.

I barely winced as he slapped me hard across my face, proud not to let the mask slip. He got real close right then, right up in my face.

"Don't ever tell me to shut up, Severus. I am not one of your students. You're weak to me and trash to the entire existence and race of magic itself. You may be half-blood, but you're as bad as a mudblood. Just. Like. Your. Girlfriend. I had her first, don't forget. I touched her, stained her, dirtied her. She's already been used and thrown away. Now, she'll be killed. She was horrible anyway, not my best. She kept trying to hide herself and begging for mercy. Apologizing because of her actions, her heritage. She was weak from the beginning, and I don't regret one thing I did. I never will, as I'm better than her. She's lucky we had any interest in her or else we would've killed her right away. We waited last time and she escaped, we won't this time. We'll kill her and the disgusting brat of hers immediately, no mercy or fun this time. Perhaps I will get my hands on that tiny, undernourished body of hers again, though. She had the smoothest skin and prettiest hair before we ruined it all. She's been claimed, Severus. It's not nice to steal other's playthings" He kicked me hard in the ribs. "Watch her writhe and beg for mercy again as we tie her down, reveal her in the worst ways and paint her the color of purebloods. Yes, that's what I'll do... If she's still alive by the time I get back."

I clenched my jaw so tight it cracked and I yelped in pain as his boot found my chin. He broke skin and it was bleeding badly. Oh well. My main focus was saving Hermione.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I spit out, freezing Rowle in place. I began to mutter the reverse curse of the cruciatus curse when Rowle unfroze and dragged me directly into the Ministry.

He dragged me right into the Minister's office and the Minister warily sentenced me to Dementor's Kiss in two weeks time. Seems the killing list was crowded at the moment. Until then, I was to remain in Azkaban's darkest solitary confinement cell and guarded 24/7 by dementors.

I was immediately thrown into the cell, the Cruciatus curse removed when I got into the cell. No magic was permitted to prisoners in Azkaban.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what Hermione was now. I was praying she was safe, but, deep down, I knew she wasn't. Not with the men who had took turns raping her, as Rowle had put it. Perhaps she knew the father then, and perhaps not, since there were so many rapists. I winced at the thought of her going through that pain a second time and sucked in a large gulp of breath as pain shot through my entire body. I knew I wasn't well, but being with her had helped.

I cried that night. First they ripped Lily away from me, and now they spent time raping Hermione as I sat helpless in a dark cell. Curse those damn Death Eaters.

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