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Hermione's POV:

I never thought my heart would break as much as it did the day they told me I wouldn't ever be able to be with Severus officially. I then ran into him in the woods twelve years later. A year later Draco was killed by an unknown assailant a year later.

I was in so much pain and alone so I went to Hogwarts. I knew I would be okay there. I always had been, as a teacher and student.

I apparated to right outside the gates and tore through the building up to the Astronomy Tower. I leaned on the railing as I watched my salty tears fall over the side of the tower as the almighty Albus Dumbledore had the fateful night I had follows Harry up here under the invisibility cloak. It still hurt to think about that night.

I continued to sob and stood on the railing, almost ready to jump when strong hands pulled me back down and into a large warm body.

"I can't let you do that as Headmaster of this institution. Not as a teacher, student alumni, or parent of a current student do you have that right." He said, pulling me in to him.

I turned into his black chest and warm body as he intertwined his arms around my waist, rubbing my back as he whispered huskily into my ear. I was no longer crying for Draco, but for our relationship of true love that could have never been.

"Did you know your daughter is a Slytherin? That and there's a new Wizenmagot. Minerva, Filius, Poppy and Ponoma all retired from here to be on it. Perhaps they could switch the decision about our love?" He said, smiling into my hair.

"That'd be nice. Eileen never accepted a father figure of Draco. She wanted someone else. She wanted the man people told her helped me raise her for her first year. She wants to know you, Severus. She needs to know you. If they repeal their former decision, she will have the father she never had." I begged, looking up at him as my sobs died down and stopped.

"She does know me, Hermione. She knows me as her Headmaster of three years. But I still want to be your husband. I want to love you forever." He replied.

"Thank you." I said and kissed him lightly on his tensed lips.

We immediately apparated to the Wizenmagot who instantly repealed the decision and we got married that spring in the Cherry Blossom Park in Manchester and they all attended.

Molly Weasley immediately welcomed him into the family, and the next Christmas at the Burrow was hilarious. He was in a Weasley sweater as soon as he got there and he absolutely despised being around the Potters, the Weasleys, and their offsprings. It was absolutely adorable because I know he did it out of love for me.

Eileen immediately adopted him as her father, dying her hair black right away to match him. We discovered Fenrir was her father on her twenty first birthday, when she transformed for the first time. Chocolate and Wolfsbane was the answer, which she liked a lot.

Severus and I had our own child, much to Harry and Ron's dismay. Rosanna Amber Snape was born on Eileen's eigtennth birthday and was a Ravenclaw. She had her mother's caramel eyes and her father's other features.

With Snape as headmaster, Slytherin finally won house cup in Rose's first year, much to Eileen's joy and Rose's dismay.

Severus, Eileen, Rose and I lived happily ever after, so to speak, and we all lived in Spinner's End together. Guess that's how life works when carma is cool.

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