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Severus' POV:

After a couple of minutes of intense kissing, we decided to head to Minerva's office to devise a plan with the other professors in order to stop Lucius and my demonic brother once and for all.

We were fortunate enough to stumble upon what was left of the Order meeting in Minerva's office, already discussing a plan to lash back at Lucius Malfoy, the current head Death Eater. Apparently, from the discussion I heard, no one had discovered he was in cooperation with my brother or that my brother even existed.

Everyone turned to us when we entered, nearly half drew their wands and aimed them at us immediately. When they saw who it was, however, they put their wands back in their hiding places. Hermione and I took our seats at the table under Minerva's asking.

Hermione sat next to Mrs. Weasley-Potter and myself and I sat next to Hermione and Poppy Pomfrey. All the while, Mr. Weasley shot us both angry and frankly, very ugly, glances. I could only hate him more when he sent the look of disgust to Hermione. I didn't care what he thought of me, but he had no right to hate Hermione for my love for her.

The discussion was anything but productive. No one had ideas. I had to listen to fifteen bumbling idiots talk about bad ideas that would not even close to work. Then we got to Hermione. She had fixed every illogical statement with productive and effective ideas and had made numerous flawless and foolproof plans of her own. I sat in amazement as I listened to her talk, my heart and mind racing. She was truly brilliant.

"That is a wondrous plan, Miss Granger, but each of the fifteen plans you've presented us are intricately amazing. Shall we vote for which one we should execute?" Minerva addressed the table after Hermione finished.

Overall, they voted on the seventh plan she recommended and it was my favorite, to say the least. I smirked as she entwined her hand in mine under the table. Minerva glanced at me questionably as I smirked, but I simply shook my head and continued.

In one week we would infiltrate Malfoy Manor and save hostages while wearing a potion Hermione and I would create that would conceal us as if it were the invisibility cloak Mr. Potter took frequent use of. She was a brilliant mind, I will admit. I thought I was the only one who knew about my invention of the Transpario potion, but she had apparently gone through and read my potions textbook that Mr. Potter had all so conveniently found in his sixth year, after Dumbledore had strategically placed it in Slughorm's room and told Minerva to tell him to take the class with the Weasley twit.

We left and the arguous task of creating the Transpario potion in just two weeks. It took many long nights and days to succeed, not to mention the rampant pressure of Hermione stressing to end the war.

I knew that judgments were bound to come eventually and I couldn't hide Hermione and I forever. People were already wondering who the father of her child was, and she didn't want to tell them now, how would that change with our relationship? Would it change?

Well, Hermione's plan obviously succeeded, as they always had for her past nine years at Hogwarts. Anyone who would doubt the productivity of her ideas had to be completely mad.

So, Lucius, Rumple, and the other Death Eaters were sentenced to a life in Azkaban with no bail or peroll, and the Ministry returned to somewhat normal. Hermione and I were called in, however, two months later, and the meeting was rather unpleasant.

"Do you, Severus Snape, admit to having intimate interactions with the one, Miss Hermione Granger, while being her assigned auror in her stay in the Muggle world?" The large man asked, eyeing me down.

"I do, your honour, and I also affirm that such interactions continued upon our return to the Muggle world." I answered solemnly, staring at a crying Hermione in the back row of the court room. She was breaking down on the shoulder of Minerva McGonagall and it killed me to see her in such a state.

"My final judgment: Consider yourself lucky, Professor Snape, as I normally would not be such a kind hearted man. I forbid you and Miss Granger from having any further interactions. If it is discovered that you continue your relationship illegally, I will not hesitate to allow you to join your brother, understood?"

"Yes sir." I said, my heart crumbling as sobs racked Hermione's gentle body and she looked at me with pain and longing in her eyes. Unable to stop myself, I rose and left without glancing at her again. I couldn't go through that pain again. I couldn't. I refused to.

I didn't see her for a while after that day. I wanted to so so so bad, praying that she would come back to Hogwarts, that she would return to her room, that she would once again come racing down the halls into my arms as her lilac smelling hair fell around us. None of that happened, though. I didn't hear from her for twelve years. And then, one day, I found her.

I was taking my usual walk through the Forbidden Forest when I heard voices giggling through the crunching leaves only a couple meters away. It was a man and what appeared to be his wife. The woman had short locks of brown hair and he had an immediately recognizable platinum blonde slick of hair gelled back. He had his arm intertwined with hers, and the couple was dancing in a happy daze through the woods. I went to walk away until I heard the female speak.

"Okay, Draco, you collect the firewood and I'll set up camp. No I love you more." She giggled.

I knew that voice. I knew that laugh. Even through the thick scent of fall, I knew that lilac scent. It was her.

I couldn't approach her again. I knew I couldn't do it. I risked both of us getting in trouble. It took all the power in me to turn to walk away, but I did. I froze in my spot, however, when I heard her soft lips echo my name hollowly.

"S-Severus?" She said. I could hear the longing in her voice, as if she had missed me all these years. She couldn't have, though. She would have come back if she did. "Please don't walk away. Please." She begged me. I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave her there to cry.

"Yes, Hermione?" I said as I turned. "You know you always did ask too many-" I was cut off as she slammed into me in a rough hug. No. This was wrong. "Questions." I finished a second later when she pulled herself back to a normal position.

"I-I'm married now. To Draco. We have two children; Severus and Lily. They have heard all about you. They want to meet you so bad, but I forbade it before I began the story. I knew this would happen ." she rambled as she stared at the ground.

"I'll meet them if you wish. I'd love to meet the Malfoy heirs." I said to stop her rambling.

"You will. They'll be at Hogwarts next year. Look for them. How is Eileen? Is she okay? Does she do well?" She went off again.

"Eileen is fine, as smart as her mother and very much unlike her father." I replied, knowing it would make the smile I missed so much appear on her face again.

"Fenrir." She said solemnly.

"What?" I asked, confusion taking over.

"Fenrir. He's her father. I knew after her first transformation. She's half wolf. Remus has been helping me with that. Did she ever try to set fire to your robes like her mother did?" She joked, tears filling her sad eyes.

"So it was you that lit those robes on fire! I'll have you know, those were my favorite robes!" I said, smiling down at her.

"Hermione?" Draco called, summoning her back. "Oh hello, Professor." He called when he saw me, waving like the dunderhead he was. I waved back.

"I have to go, Hermione. Good bye." I said, turning to leave again.

"I still love you, Severus. I've never stopped." She said quietly.

"I didn't either." I replied without looking back and left. After that, I saw articles and pictures of her, making my heart ache even more. I never forgot Hermione Jean Granger. She was the angel sent to fix a broken man.

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