Slight Interruptions

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Severus' POV

I headed to the Great Hall in the morning for breakfast. I was immediately surrounded by the chattering of insufferable children when I entered.

I had unfortunately forgotten in all the chaos that today was the day the children were arriving. Lucky me.

I took my place next to Miss Granger at the Professors' Table silently, not having the need to talk to the girl. It did concern me , however, when she ate next to nothing of her breakfast and fled out of the Great Hall. Something had definitely changed from the night before. Everyone knew that mandatory attendance of the Sorting Ceremony was Professor Protocol.

I decided to follow her and bring her back, rather than let Filch have a field day finally catching someone gone astray in the halls of the school.

I silently excused myself from the table, throwing my napkin on my empty plate. I sped off after Miss Granger for the second time in two days. If this was her way of healing me, it was very tiring. I hoped her entire internship would not proceed this way, or I may go mad by the end of the month.

Again I followed her to the Gryffindor common room, this time I saw her talking to Mrs. Weasley-Potter. I was unable to decipher what they were saying, however, and was half-way down the staircase when Miss Granger came tearing down, nearly knocking me over the rail. Mrs. Weasley-Potter snuck out the other staircase, but I ran in pursuit of Miss Granger, annoyed by her childish and immature actions.

I followed her again, and she went down to the front gate. At the front gate stood the red-head pain in the ass annoyance of my entity, Mr. Ronald Weasley.

When he caught sight of her he ran towards her with open arms. I almost forgot the two of them had become a couple at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts. Poor Miss Granger, what did she ever see in him?

"Ronald Weasley, what do you want?" She snapped, obviously unhappy with his presence.

" see, I have been thinking, 'Mione, and I really wanted to let you know my apologies are sincere. I really am sorry about what happened-" he stuttered about, blithering git.

"I don't care about your apology, Ronald! If you are so so sorry about it, then you wouldn't have done it in the first place!" She began to pace at this point."I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! I knew I should have ended it before you went on your international Quidditch tour! Everyone told me to end it and yet, I trusted you to travel alone! But, no, you you ruined that! I can't forgive you Ronald Weasley, nevertheless forget what happened! I can't stand you right now, Ron, I am sorry. Just- just leave me alone. Please." She said, backing away. I could hear the unshed tears in her eyes, I have had the very voice many times myself.

"Hermione Granger-" Mr. Weasley started, aggravated. This seemed like the perfect time to step out.

"Mr. Weasley, I suggest you leave now. Miss Granger, you better return to the Great Hall immediately, as you are breaking the Professor Protocol by not attending the Sorting Ceremony for those intolerable first years."

"Y-yes, P-professor." Miss Granger stumbled out.

"Professor, if 'Mione is breaking Professor Protocol being here right now, aren't you also breaking protocol?" The Weasley boy had finally managed to kick start his brain. It only took him nineteen years.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley. In fact, I am currently breaking rules thanks to Miss Granger. You just bought her an extra hour of paperwork tonight. Thank you, Mr. Weasley."

"Ronald! I can't stand you! I am going to the Ceremony, so leave me be!" Miss Granger screamed as she stomped off down the hallways. Such a pity, that girl. She was so smart, but so immature. I truly pitied the loss Hogwarts would suffer if I terminated her employment.

"Mr. Weasley, why are you still standing here?" I snapped.

"Why are you, Professor? Ceremony is mandatory, remember?" Mr. Weasley stung angrily.

"Listen here, Mr. Weasley. I am not the professor you wish to have as an enemy. This may be your alma mater, but this is my home, and I will fight for it. You are in my territory, under my rules. So I give you two choices: shut up and obey, or get out!" I said, getting angrier with every word. How dare he talked to me that way!

I stalked off after Miss Granger to the Great Hall. Sure enough, when I reappeared Minerva cast a disapproving glare upon me, as the ceremony was almost over. I nodded and departed again, just barely making it out the door before I fell into one of my worst coughing fits ever.

I made my way down to the dungeons cautiously, knowing one wrong step and I was dead. I always did have to be careful with my coughing fits. Though I wouldn't admit it, they were getting much worse.

Minutes after I reached the classroom, I chugged a few Fever Reductions, Blood Thinners, and Coughing Draughts. Next thing I remember, I was asleep.

"Severus...Severus, please. We need to speak." It was Albus Dumbledore, calling out to me. He was in all white robes and a white hat.

"Albus? What am I doing here?" My heart began to race. Was I dead?

"Severus, you are not dead, but close to it. I cannot always give you wisdom, but when I can, I hope you listen. It is in your best mind that you allow Miss Granger to heal you. You will teach her as she teaches you, I promise. We only learn from those we respect, and you don't respect Miss Granger right now."

"Albus, I am not sure I understand."

"Severus, Miss Granger is no younger a girl. She is now a brilliant young woman, who also happens to be the only one who can heal you." There was a long and awkward pause where I couldn't look Albus in the eyes. "Severus, I am not asking you to marry her, simply to put your faith in her, which I know may be the most difficult thing for you to do, but also is the only thing that can save your life."

"Alright, Albus. I will try. That does not mean I will succeed. Obviously."

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