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Hermione's POV:

I felt the shock of the spell whisk past my lips as it hit Mr. Malfoy behind me. I looked at Severus in shock. He had just betrayed his entire known life to save me. He shouted to me, overpowering the clatter of the Death Eaters getting up and launching spells at him.

"Get out of here, Hermione!" He shouted, his eyes determined on the hexes flying at him.

"Not without you!" I shouted back. I sprinted through curses, grabbing his hand and disapparating us both to my home where I knew my parents would help us both, as they had good hearts, if only they had the memories of me to match.

"Bloody hell, Severus! You've been splinched!" I cried, falling to my knees to help him. He had the same splinching that Ron had had my last year of Hogwarts. I quickly filled his wounds with potions and covered them with the scraps I always carried with me. I felt horrible as he hissed and moaned in pain.

"Hermione, I'm okay. It's okay. Really." He said, sitting up. He stood slowly, leaning on me for support. We hobbled our way down the street and I felt weak at the knees when I saw my house. Or, should I say, what was left in the rubble of what used to be my home. The windows were smashed, the house reduced to no more that a couple large piles of burnt bricks. My stomach lurch and I heard Severus whisper something about being okay, but I was far from okay.

I took off alone at a sprint, calling out for my mother and father, praying one of them would answer. I ran in every direction, but my efforts were to no avail. I was stuck in motion, dread spreading through me quicker than the Avada Kedavra curse could kill someone.

I fell to my knees, sobbing at the sight. What used to be a beautiful garden of flowers was now completely ashes, my room was cinders, and all that could be salvaged was a scorched picture of my mother and father without me. I tucked it in my bag silently, praying I would see them again soon, but subconsciously I knew the hope was pointless.

My sobbing only increased when I found the unmoving corpses of what used to be my parents under the rubble. I fell to the ground beside them, sobs racking my body. I took my mother in my arms, holding her, protecting her from all things evil. I couldn't protect her before, but I could now. I could forever.

Snape's POV:

I limped around the corner to a second I knew all too well. Hermione was holding her mother's corpse in her arms, tears shaking her small body. I walked over, planting a hand on her shoulder for support, not being able to react any other way. My heart ached for the young woman, wanting desperately to bear some pain she held now, knowing she was too innocent, too young, to carry such a burden.

I heard her sobs and gave her a private moment but sprinted back when her sobs turned to screams of pain.

"What? What is it?" I begged her, searching her eyes for an answer. "What's wrong, Hermione? Hermione!" I held her hands in mine as she muttered some inaudible words.

"Bub buh beh" she muttered.

"What? What are you trying to say, Hermione?" I begged, my heart racing in fear.

"Baby!" She said, barely above a whisper.

The realization hit me harder than the Cruciatus curse, the baby was coming. Bloody hell. I helped her up, fearful to apparate for health of her and the baby. That was when my coughing fits decided to act up again. Coughed viciously into my robes, hoping she wouldn't notice. From the painful and distant look in her eyes, she didn't. I found the rubble of her once-gorgeous fireplace, sparking a match in the remaining ashes. I yelled for St. Mungo's and we hobbled through the fireplace together.

She was immediately rushed off by mediwitches and wizards; them shouting and the hospital mobbed. Whatever the Death Eaters were up to, they were hurting a lot of people in the way.

I spent the next couple hours pacing the floor of the waiting room, receiving many strange looks from onlookers. It drove insane just thinking that she was in there, giving birth to Lucius' child and I was out here helpless. I silently cursed myself for negative thinking and not focusing on solutions. A thinking method I'd created for myself since-well, since Lily.

I was ushered into the back by a mediwitch a few minutes later, her whispering multiple directions to me that weren't important enough for me to listen to. It always did frustrate me that St. Mungo's was too cautious when it came to patients.

The woman ushered me inside a door marked 394, a stern finger pressed to her lips.

I couldn't have talked if I wanted to, as my breath caught when I saw her in there. She was still skinny as a twig, cuddling the small baby to her chest. Her hair was brushed back smoothly and sweatily, her eyes smiling as she saw me walk in.

I walked next to her bed, taking one of her hands in my hands, kissing it gently before pulling it to my chest. I wrapped my arm around her, smiling at the small and adorable child in the arms off its gorgeous mother. I chuckled happily, smiling down at the pair.

"What's her name?" I asked, noting the pink blanket wrapped around her.

"Eileen." She replied, looking up at me for a response.

"That's beautiful, Hermione. Thank you. Is she- is she named after my mother?" I asked eager to know.

"Yes. May she have the best life where others are unfortunate." Hermione said, kissing the tiny baby who began to squeal before snuggling deeper on Hermione's chest.

For once, the world was perfect.

Healing A Broken Heart: Snamione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now