Shining Some Lumos

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Hermione's POV:

I shoved my way through the crowded ministry, a girl on a mission. I was in my cloaks over my bedrobes, so I must have looked strange, but no one stopped me to question me. I ran straight to Kingsley Shacklebolt's office, enraged. But my search was to no avail, as no one was there.

I headed to the interrogation room next, and, sure enough Snape was in there, being interviewed by a mean-looking Runcorn and Shacklebolt. I burst in, not caring the trouble I would be in later.

"Let. Him. Go. Now." I spit fire with every word.

"Miss Granger! This is highly innapropriate behavior and attire. What are you doing here?" Runcorn rose, obviously upset.

"I am not the one being interrogated here, Albert. Let Professor Snape go or I will expose the new Ministry for what it really is!" I snapped, already irritated.

"Miss Granger, you don't seem to understand. There's been an uprising of Death Eaters recently, and we were simply seeing if the Professor would have any information to help us out." Shscklebolt rose, trying to explain. "As we can't track them without DNA, we were simply trying to find any reconciliation conducted involving Professor Snape."

"I have a way of getting your lousy DNA, but you have to let  the Professor go free first." I said, ready to bargain.

"We can't let him go, but we can pause all charges against him and try to relieve the charges later." Shacklebolt replied. "But how do you have Death Eater DNA?"

"The night I was held prisoner in Malfoy Manor alone, I was raped by many of the men. The child I bear now is one of theirs you can take some of it's saliva if you help Professor Snape." I said, my hands shaking.

"Why do you care about Professor Snape so much?" Runcorn questioned.

"He's my mentor. He goes to Azkaban, my apprenticeship gets terminated. I just got a dream job of mine. You ruin it, and I will destroy this Ministry. Mark. My. Words." I reasoned.

"Alright, alright. We'll pause the charges on Professor Snape." Shacklebolt caved.

"And he gets to come back to Hogwarts until the case begins a gain, as you don't have enough evidence to keep him." I continued.

"Fine. Now please come with us for the DNA testing." Runcorn said, reaching for my arm, but I backed out of his reach.

"I will come.back on Saturday for it. I have work right now, if you don't mind." I shot. "Professor, you have a class waiting." I said directly to Snape.

Snape stood and followed me, leaving the two shocked and unmoving ministry officials in the interrogation room alone. It wasn't until we were out of earshot of the Ministry officials that Snape spoke.

"You would make quite the lawyer, Hermione." He said smoothly.

I stopped for a second in shock, had he just called me Hermione?

"Thank you, Professor." I said quietly, as I heard never heard Snape compliment anyone before. Had he completely forgot that I has just revealed I was carrying a Death Eater's child?

"Severus is fine. After what you just managed to do, I do believe we are equals." He said. "The question is why you just did what you just did?" Now he stopped, looking down at me. Suddenly, my stomach had the brick in it again, just like it had whenever hr was around. I could feel myself growing redder.

"I-I um...well, you see...what happened was-and then.." I stammered about myself. I never could answer to him. That was when he noticed the people following us.

"We'll talk about it later. We need to go. Now." He said strictly but quietly, taking my hand and guiding me towards the nearest floo fireplace.

I should have said something, run quicker, or tried to apparate out, but all I could focus on was his large hand on my tiny one. His grasp was tight enough to make me feel secure, but loose enough to nor make my wrist hurt or make me feel captured. 

We flooed back to Hogwarts, losing all the ministry men behind us. I recognized the room we stepped into, I had seen it earlier that year. It was Severus' bedroom. Everything was dark and mysteriously comforting.

"Miss Granger, do you have any idea how serious this is?" He scolded, breaking my heart. "Do you realize what you just did? You will be the most wanted witch by the morning!" He paced around the room, his pale hands on his temple. He waited for my answer, and then turned to face me. "Well?" He questioned.

I didn't know what to do or say, so I did what felt natural: I lean in slowly and gently kissed him. We stayed like that for a second, then he pulled away. He was shaking his slowly.

I expected him to yell or scold me or terminate my employment, but instead he spoke in a quiet and somewhat defeated voice.

"Miss Granger, this cannot occur. This behavior is wrong and innapropriate." He sighed, unable to look me in the eye.

"I-I understand that some may not agree with it, Sir, but you yourself said you care about me." I shot back, offended.

"C-care about you?" He scoffed. "I meant as a student! A pupil! Maybe even in the far and distant future a fellow staff member, but never in the way you have just suggested."

"Then why did you get so upset when Draco and I were together? I hate to remind you that you and I just snogged too, Professor!" I snapped back.

"I doubt the father of your child will appreciate you being with other men, Miss Granger! No wonder you fell so easily into the deceit of whoever is the father!" He screamed back.

It hurt. It hurt right away and it hurt immensely. I felt my heart shatter and my gut drop. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and, yet, I knew it was real and couldn't deny it. So I ran.

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