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Hermione's POV:

I went down to the Potions classroom after breakfast. I am pretty sure my heart stopped when I saw him lying motionless on the floor, his face paler than it's normal ghostly shade.

My instincts kicked in as I used a Reconsciento potion and a mobilicorpus spell to move his body to his bedroom. First, though, I had to find his bedroom.

I perused around the room, finally deciding on a door in the back. It was big, grey, and heavy, looking as if there was something big to hide behind it. Then again, last time Harry did this, he almost needed up dead because of Tom Riddle's snake.

I yanked the door open and its appearance was correct in assuming that it was heavy. Finally able to step inside, I found a most disturbing but awkwardly mysteriously attracting bedroom only a door away from mine.

Everything was covered in black. Black bed set, black cedar bed banisters, and black curtains draped shut against the shinig sun of morning.

I laid his body down on the band, picked up my wand and started muttering healing incantations. I had gone through more than a few when I finally heard confused first years in the classroom. I decided to take the back way out to avoid suspicions.

Needless to say, I walked into the class fashionably and followed the usual procedure.

"There willing be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. With that, I don't expect most of you to appreciate the subtle science or exact art of potion making. However for a select few of you who do possess such skill," I made eye contact for a bright young Gryffindor girl who was anxiously scribbling with a huge smile,"I can teach you how to ensnare the senses and bewitch the mind. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." I concluded. I was sure I was not as terrifying as Snape, but I had to intimidate them somehow or I would get backlash from Snape later.

I was shocked and did jump a tiny bit when I heard a slow but loud clap arise from the back of the room as the children erupted into gigles. They were quickly silenced, however, when he spoke.

"Sounds familiar, Miss Granger. Almost as good as me your first year, but it's still not good enough. Too bad, I was hoping for a good show, not a poor spectacle. As you all know, I am Professor Snape, and all the rumors are true." Next, he motioned to me. "This is Miss Granger, she is my teaching assistant or apprentice, but better known for her insufferable work in the Golden Trio, as they're called. Treat her with the same respect as you do me, or I will punish you mercilessly." I had never heard Snape stand up for anyone before. It was a tad bit frightening, truly.

The rest of class went normal procedure, not very interesting, just Snape abusing Gryffindor and praising Slytherins endlessly.

The class finally ended, with the students and I having the same sigh of relief. He was about to retreat into his bedroom again when I grabbed his wrist.

"What the bloody hell was that, Professor?!? I take over my first class alone because you are passed out and what do you do?! Show up out of nowhere and make me look like a daft fool! I did not hurt you, Professor! I don't deserve this treatment! You are supposed to be resting in bed, not teaching classes! I can handle everything in here just fine! Now here's a dreamless sleep and a sleeping draught," I shoved the potions at him. "Go and rest and if you come out of bed again, I will not second think hexing you!"

I knew I was going to get it now. I was just so enfuriated by his actions, making a fool of me, making me seem harmless, unimportant even. He had no right to do what he had dome, but he was Professor Snape, after all. He treated everyone that way, everyone except Dumbledore and McGonagall.

I suddenly felt very sick, though, and took off to the bathroom without another word.

I had just made it in the first stall when I threw up, unable to hold it in any longer. I was about to get sick again when I felt strong hands holding my hair back from my face.

I turned to find Professor Snape, who gave me a Stomach Settler potion, helped me up, and out of the restroom. He walked me back down to the classroom, neither of us very strong.

He insisted I go to my room and rest, as he could handle the next class alone. I argued, but finally gave in as the first student walked in.

I had known that Snape wasn't healthy enough to teach, but I also knew my pregnancy was what had made me get sick, and I didn't want to let anything slip around him. What would he think about the situation?

I found I was already starving again, even though breakfast had not been long ago. So, I pulled out a large bag of potato chips and had gotten through the entire family sized bag before Snape knocked quietly on my door.

After granting permission for him to enter, I pulled myself up to a more appealing position. As I didn't wish to create an uncomfortable situation for either of us.

"Miss Granger, I do believe I owe you an apology, again. But I also believe you owe me one." Snape started.

"Excuse me, Professor?" I was outraged! How dare he walk into my room and speak to me like that!

"You should have informed me you are carrying a child, Miss Granger." He said. So he knew? How long had he known? Did he know whose it was? Was he there the night it occurred? Oh God, had he told Headmistress? Or anyone else for that matter? He must have seen the panic in my eyes, as he continued with his dialogue. "May I say that this secret shall be kept between us? Because I won't tell anyone. It is your choice, Miss Granger to tell. But I must ask, is it Weasley's?"

"God, no, Professor! I am not that kind of girl!" I shot back defensively, as thinking about shagging Ron almost made me sick again.

"Well, it had to happen somehow. I was simply wondering if that was what you were upset with Weasley with." He concluded. He stood and headed for the door.

"Professor!" I stopped him as he was in the door frame. "I apologize. For n-not t-telling you that is. "

"And I apologize to you, Miss Granger. I should not have embarrassed you in front of the first years." He said, turning to go again.

I nodded off shortly after Snape left, but for this one night, I did not cry myself to sleep, I smiled, for I had a friend in the world.

Healing A Broken Heart: Snamione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now