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Severus' POV:

I cursed when the paper came the next day. My mugshot was on the front page. Those blithering dudnerheads obviously didn't cover real news, or they instead would've revealed the Death Eater uprisings for the horrid acts they truly were. I wasn't shocked when I saw that Rita Skeeter had written the article about me. That little prat had her nose in everyone's business. I didn't bother to read the text, knowing it would all be fictionalized rubbish, painting out my worse traits for everyone to see.

My mind wandered as to where Hermione and Eileen were, if they were safe as I stared at the dark light coming through the bars on the window. Outside lurked hundreds of dementors and numerous Death Eaters. So, even if I somehow managed to escape, I would never truly be free. I could never have the life I wanted with Hermione.

I coughed bloodily and cursed loudly this time, knowing my illness had caused a commotion in the cells around me. Word would spread quickly that I was ill, and surely I would seen as an easy target. I had too many enemies to do that.

"Professor Snape?" A small voice came from the cell next to me. It was whiny and needy, obviously the Malfoy boy. It took all my strength not to snap back at him rudely or pretend I didn't hear him.

"Yes, Malfoy?" I replied. My voice came out lethally low.

"Just making sure it was you, Professor. I suppose we are in here for the same reason, huh? Death Eaters got ahold of us and now we are having the happiness and life slowly sucked from us." He stated, sighing in conclusion. He was so dramatic.

"Malfoy, have you heard anything of or from Hermione?" I said, her being my sole interest in the conversation.

"Why, yes, Professor! I have! I have heard she is ill and no longer with child. It was born, I was told."

"I already knew that, you foolish prick! I was there to comfort her when it was all over. And where were you, I suppose? Laying around your mansion and not caring about anyone except yourself, as usual?" I spat back at him, frustrated with his lack of new information.

"No, Professor. I was not. I've been in here since she left. Since you gave air of her presence to my father, he locked me up with the rest of you! She's just lucky she got away that morning, he was only a few minutes behind her. I hope they never get her. I hope she and that baby are okay." He said, sighing. I could barely tolerate the boy in usual circumstances, this was just unbearable.

"You prat! They already have her! They ripped both her, her baby and I from the room in St. Mungo's! They put me in here and have her and the child somewhere else. If I ever see them again, I swear I'll rip out their throats with my bare hands!" I seethed, punching the bricks as I recalled how they had taken her.

"This is all my fault." Draco muttered, as if he was reading my thoughts.

"Don't be a dunderhead, Malfoy. You never were good at duels or any spells, for that matter. Anyone could've bested you in a duel." I muttered, not caring about his response.

"Well, thanks, Professor. That makes me feel so much better. At least I sent her away in enough time to escape them. You couldn't bear to be apart from her long enough to keep her safe!" He spat back.

"Shut! Your! Mouth! You blithering arse! I care about her more than you would ever comprehend! I'm not the one who repeatedly called her a mudblood and tortured her for six years straight!"

"No, but you never said one nice thing to her! You looked down on her constantly, even if you deny it! She respected you, even though you were Slytherin! You were supposed to be her arch nemesis, her worst enemy! We both were! Yet, she treated us both with respect and admiration! You don't deserve her! I don't know why a gorgeous girl like her would even want a greasy dungeon bat like you!" He seethed, obviously upset.

"She defended you, you know. When I went after her for blowing off her studies to snog with you at Hogwarts, she defended you. She does care about you." I said quietly, not wanting to admit it.

"She's lost so many people she cares about already. She shouldn't lose us, too. They've killed her parents now. She hasn't got anyone besides us two. She needs us and sitting in this prison isn't gonna help her at all. We need to get out of here. Together." He said, his voice barely audible.

"How do you propose that? The guards are constantly patrolling and even if we get past them, we have dementors that can kiss us in an instant!" I said back, whispering as well.

"What are you willing to do to save her? The guards are only Death Eaters in Polyjuice Potion. We've beat them before, we can do it again. Once we disarm the guards and take them out, we can steal their wands and use Expecto Patronum to get the rest of the way out of here. It i s simple, really, when said. Doing it may be a bit more difficult. But I still trust us to do it. For her." He finished, surprising me with his immensive knowledge. He obviously realized my endless care for her, meybe he even shared it. He truly did care for the young woman, and I knew what I had to do when we got out. First, though, we had to get out.

"Fine. Let's do this. I will distract the guard and you get the keys. If something goes wrong, don't worry about me. Get to her. Save her, Draco. Good luck, Malfoy."

"You too."

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