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Severus' POV:

I was enraged when I found the men in my room. I will admit I was immensely jealous and protective over Miss Granger for some strange and still unknown reason. Ronald Billius Weasley was always such a blithering idiot! He certainly did not think of the dangers of bringing Viktor Krum and Miss Granger back together after the Yule Ball incident when the brute had nearly raped Miss Granger in her fourth year. 

I helped Miss Granger to her room, much to her dismay. I left her for only a short time to discipline the boys standing in my room, hoping she would not be ill again when I returned.

Sure enough, when I returned, over half the boys had fled. The ones that remained were Ronald Blithering Idiot Weasley, Harry Insufferable Potter, Remus Moony Lupin, Sirius Padfoot Black, Draco Daddy's Boy Malfoy, Horace Annoying Slughorn, and Neville Idiotic Longbottom. Ronald stood at the front of the group, but Sirius was the first one to speak.

"Severus, you know just as well as we do that this is not healthy for Miss Granger." He spit out, trying to be kind and enfuriated at the same moment.

"I have no idea what you're speaking of, Sirius."

"You know full well what we're discussing, Severus! Don't pretend you don't!" Remus joined in.

"I truly do not understand our current topic, Remus. Perhaps tonight we shall walk in the moonlight and discuss it further?"I snapped back. I was truly oblivious to what the men were discussing. Or, I should say, attempting to discuss.

"Oh, come on, Professor Snape! I heard Hermione say earlier today to Ginny that she fancied you! What do you have her under? Amorentia? Is that it? One of George and Fred's love potions? She didn't save Fred so you could abuse his inventions on her!" Ronald Weasley stepped up, shouting. He was drunk, as anyone could tell.

"Mr. Weasley, tell me exactly what you heard." I said, suddenly shocked by the news of Miss Granger's affections.

"Oh, you know exactly what I heard. The usually swooning. Oh, wait! No you don't because a greasy dungeon bat like you couldn't get a girl to fall for him without using a charm or potion!" Weasley slurred.

"Ron, get out." Draco spat at him.

"What? You want her all to yourself, Malfoy? Is that it? Are you jealous? Huh?" He shoved the blonde once. "Jealous little pureblood! Go run home and tell your daddy that, Maldoi!" He shoved him again.

"Please, Ron, I am trying to be kind for her. Don't make me do something I may regret." He warned.

"Or else what, Fake-o?" The blithering git slurred. What had Miss Granger ever fancied in him?

"Alright, Ronald. Let's get you out of here." Slughorn muttered as he dragged Mr. Weasley out by the arm. Mr. Weasley continued to shout as he was pulled, though. Some impolite language if I say so.

"Professor Snape, what I think the men here are trying to say is that we are all very protective and concerned about Hermione at this time. She's very delicate from ending her and Ron's relationship, and has not been looking well recently. Then we get word of her fancying you from Ron, and we panicked. We just want to make sure she is okay, Professor." Mr. Potter stepped out. He was much more literate than I expected.

"I assure you, Mr. Potter, that Miss Granger is in the best possible care for her current condition where she currently is. I do believe you know that help shall always be given at Hogwarts for those who ask." I replied, allowing him to know he could put his trust in me.

"I see. Thank you, Professor for assisting us. Please take good care of her." Mr. Potter said, stepping back. He seemed satisfied and was about to leave, when a blaring voice came throughout the school.

It was Minerva, sounding panicked and half-way out of her mind. I knew as soon as I heard her voice something was terribly wrong. I had only heard that tone twice in my life: the Wizarding Wars.

"Professor Snape, please report to my office. Immediately." That was all she said. Something was incredibly wrong.

I fled from the classroom immediately, ignoring the stares and whispers from those left gazing after in wonder. I tore down the hallway, knocking over numerous students. I arrived at the Griffin Door outside of the Headmaster office and whispered Lemon Drops. The door opened and I ran up the stairs.

Inside, I saw Albert Runcorn and Kingsley Shacklebolt, both Ministry men. Minerva looked with a worried face over to me.

"Severus, you need to go with these men." She said, tears already forming in her eyes. "They're just going to ask you a few simple questions, and everything will be alright."

"I can't promise that, Headmistress." Runcorn spit out, obviously upset about something.

"Albert, there's no need to make a fuss. I will go peacefully and answer any questions you have for me." I said, stepping in. I may not be able to protect this world, but, after Lily's death, I promised myself I would protect all those I cared about. That included Minerva McGonagall.

"Follow us, please, Professor." Shacklebolt said, and I did as I was told.

We used the Floo Network to get to the Ministry, which was a lot better than flushing myself, if you asked me.

When we stepped out of the fireplace, we joined the flow of traffic in the Ministry. Shacklebolt lead us to an interrogation room behind a heavy gray door. He held the door for Runcorn and I as we entered.

I took my seat in the dark grey chair across for the two similar chairs at the cold metal table.

I had been nervous, but my heart did not truly race until I saw the top of the folder that I was be interrogated on: "Rise of the Death Eaters."

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