Shattered Glass

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Hermione's POV:

My heart ached as I ran through the empty and wrecked halls of the ancient school. I can't believe I could've been so foolish! Blasted words! Blasted emotions! Blasted Snape! I can't believe I said I loved him for the first time ever, and his only reply was that's great! What was I thinking, that he'd say he loved me as well?

I slammed my door behind me as I ran into my room, not wanting to be followed. Shortly thereafter, I heard a gentle knock on my door. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone at this time. I know it was probably McGonagall, come to say my word choice was wrong or I didn't know what love truly was, and I didn't need a lecture right now.

"Professor McGonagall, I'm really okay. You really don't have to-" I cut off myself as I swung the door open.

Draco stood there with a soot-covered face. His silvery eyes contrasted the dirt so heavily and in his beat-down arms he held Ellie who was sleeping peacefully. I laughed at she lightly yawned, scrunching her tiny face in the end.

"I don't exactly think that I look like McGonagall, but I figured you may want your child back." I laughed in relief and took Eileen from him. "What's wrong? I can tell you've been crying." He said, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm fine. Truly, it's girl issues." I confessed, laughing at my own self pity. I truly couldn't believe how upset I had been a moment ago. Draco always seemed to know the right thing to say.

"Should I get Ginny, then?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"No. I'm fine, Draco. Would you like to come in? You look like you could use a shower and due to what happened last time at your house, I doubt you can go home." I invited him in, stepping to the side.

"I would love a hot shower, Hermione. Thank you." He smiled, stepping in.

"Mind if you stay here tonight? We could snuggle like we used to." I laughed, following him deeper into the large dormitory.

"Again, I would love to. I missed you while you were gone, you know." He smirked, stepping closer to me.

"Well, why don't we make up for lost time?" I asked. I didn't hesitate for a moment before pulling his lips to mine and he had the same idea, smashing our lips together.

We walked to the bedroom together, our lips still in contact, and we sat down while still kissing. He murmured something in my lips and I couldn't make out what he was saying so I moved to his neck for a second to let him speak.

"Mione, I love you." He whispered luciously in my ear. He nibbled gently on my ear, driving me insane, and intertwined his fingers in my hair.

I laid down on my back, letting him continue from my ear to my neck, and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.

We had never gone past kissing and innocent cuddling, but tonight, I wanted to go farther. I wanted him to scream his love for me, show Severus that he wasn't the only man fighting for my love, and he couldn't get it so easily now as he had before. I wanted to show him I could still live my life, that I didn't circle around him like a planet.

Regret began to fill me, though, as I thought about Severus. He did love me, even if he couldn't express it in words. He had proved it, even died and come back to life TWICE for me! I pulled back a little from Drao as I felt the nibbling cease.

"Hermione, what's wrong? If you don't tell me, I'll force you to tell Ginny. Why'd you think I was McGonagall and why are you suddenly so depressed? This isn't you, Mione. No matter what you say. I know the real you and this girl isn't you." He said sitting up and offering me help to a sitting position.

"It's Severus. I said I loved him and he said only 'that's great' back. Surprisingly, though, I have already convinced myself I forgive him. I love him too much to stay angry at him." I giggled, not quite sure how to explain the situation I was in to someone who was uninvolved in the conflict.

"Well. That's complicated." Draco said, easing back on his arms. "Snape has never been a man of emotions. He keeps to himself, we both know that. Honestly, I'm surprised he has opened up to you as much as he has. The only person he has ever opened to besides the Potter lady is my father and that's only because my father has a certain way of getting inside the minds of people around him. I forget watch it's called, really, or I would tell you. Sorry, Mione." He said, putting a gentle arm around my shoulders.

"Legilimency!" I shot up, realization shooting through me. I could use legilimency on Severus! It all made sense now. I could see his true feelings, real emotions, wants of me, what I could never have seen before! It was all in the palm of my hand.

"Yes, I do believe that's it." Draco said, shooting up as well. "I should've known you would know, Mione. You know absolutely everything." He chuckled lightly, his laughter a large calming force for me.

"I have to go find Severus! Thank you and goodbye, Draco!" I said, bolting out of my dormitory.

I felt somewhat bad about leaving Draco in the room alone, but I knew he would shortly be gone. He was never one to linger, always in the need of company to feel self assured, as if he was just afraid of being left out as I was.

I raced down to the infirmary, dodging chunks of rubble and curses and hexes flying all around me. I narrowly dodged what I knew was a Reikara from the silvery outline of the blue and painful curse. I shivered, thinking of who had thrown it and who it was supposed to shatter like glass.

I was still in my brain as I tore into the infirmary, which was now empty besides Severus. I raced over to him, taking his face in my hands and smashing our lips together violently. After a few seconds, he pulled back and wriggled his face out of my hands.

"What are you doing?" He asked in his professor voice.

"I'm sorry, Severus. I should never have talked to you the way I did. I should never have gotten angry and I never should have expected you to say you love me back. I'm so so sorry." I cried, my heart aching for another taste of his lips.

"I didn't say it because I didn't mean it, Granger. You are simply a child, you know nothing! You were a fun time for a while, but you will never be Lily Evans. You will never truly be anything to me! I despise you with every fiber of my being for expecting me to go along with your twisted game as long as I did! Hell, you're not even worth Weasley! Guess that's why he cheated on you with that flower-named girl. Another Gryffindor twit, no better than the next one! But then there's you, you are worse than all of them, you always have been!" He spat, shoving me away from him.

"W-what?" I stuttered, my heart shattering like glass.

"You heard me, you silly girl. Get lost! Scram!" He shouted, shooing me away with his calloused hands.

I backed away slowly, tears filling my eyes. It was true, all of it was. Even with legilimency, he wasn't lying. These were his true feelings. I destroyed myself internally, repeating the words he said undendingly. Internally, I was crumpling into nothing.

I tore my hands away from his, turning from him. No, I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing him hurt me. Not now, not ever. I tore out of the room, fleeing back to my dormitory.

Draco, as predicted, was no longer there. I was grateful he wasn't. I wouldn't have to tell him. I wouldn't have to tell anyone. I'm sure Severus would share the ungodly awful news before I left the room. Provably bragging about how he had made a fool of the girl who knew all, finally making me get everything wrong.

Blasted emotions, getting in the way! I continued crying on the sofa until a heard another's cries join mine. Baby cries. Eileen.

I had forgotten Draco had brought her. I ran into my room, cuddling the small child to my chest. Poor girl, I couldn't imagine how she was. I can't believe I was foolish enough to leave her at the Malfoy Manor. She was all I had left now.

I cried myself to sleep that night, not caring about anything. Severus had had my heart and shattered it like glass. Well, I could be cold too. I promised myself I would show him exactly how cold I was. Severus would see... No, not Severus, Snape.

Healing A Broken Heart: Snamione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now