Daydreams and Drunks

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Draco's POV:

I didn't dare ask Hermione what had happened when I welcomed her into my home, as I was afraid of the answer. I simply drove her into my arms, instinctively kissing her.

I had guessed it was okay since we had kissed before, but it felt awkward now, with the large bump between us. I ushered her inside, knowing she was probably freezing from the soaked clothes she was in.

I watched over the next few weeks. I did everything I could to keep her happy and healthy, but I just couldn't help with her ever-present sadness. She found joy in alcohol and resisted all else: food, socialization, clothes, everything. It killed me to see her like this, but she wouldn't let me help, no matter what I did.

I found her alone in her room at night, a few weeks later. I walked in quietly, not wanting to scare her. She sat with her back to me, and Ii could see by the lift and fall of her shoulders that she was sobbing silently. I waited til I was right behind her to speak.

"'Mione?" I asked, my fear showing in my voice. She didn't turn, scaring me half to death. "Hermione? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she said, barley audible.

"I know that's a lie, Hermione. I have used it more than enough times myself." I said, placing a soft hand on her trembling shoulder.

"It's- it's him." She said, again barely audible.

"Who, Hermione? Who is it?" I said, worry illuminating my voice.

"S-Severus. It's Severus. He's in danger, great danger. I can tell. I need to go. I need to be with him." She said, her voice trembling. The rest of her body joined in, unable to remain calm.

"Snape? What the bloody hell has he done now?" I shout, suddenly enraged that he was the one who caused this.

"He's made me fall in love with him. Really done it this time, he has." She whispered, tears continuing to stream down her hollowed and paled cheeks.

"Is Is he?" I stuttered, unable to connect my scattered thoughts.

"No. God, no! Draco how can you think like that! He is not the father of my child!" She shouted, obviously hurt by my comment.

"Sorry, Mione! Sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" I immediately apologized, feeling awful for upsetting her. It was obviously a sensitive topic.

"Draco, I-I'm leaving." She said, her voice waivering.

"Why? When? In the morning?" I stuttered out, caught off guard by her comment.

"Now, Draco. I'm leaving now." She said, standing and grabbing her prepacked trunk.

"Why, Hermione? What's wrong?" I asked, willing her not to leave. She was due anyday now and having her running all over kingdom come chasing after an ex-Death Eater she was likely to never find was most certainly not part of McGonagall's plan.

"Don't you get it? Haven't you figured it out by now? Every time I look at you I see him: Lucius Malfoy. You were there that night, you know what happened! I thought you of all people would've figured this out by now!" She shrieked. She quickly apparated out of the room, taking her trunk with her. I cursed as I missed grabbing her by a split second, instead falling into a cloud of dust. Just wait til my headmistress hears about this!

Severus' POV:

I sat down warily, knowing this plan was not in my best interest and that I should tread lightly. I kept my facade on and Occlumency guards up, not willing to be hung out like last week's laundry.

"Severus, the top three of us Death Eaters have each been assigned a Trio member to kill. Mine is Harry Potter, Bellatrix's is Ronald Weasley, and your's is...." Lucius started.

"Miss Granger." I finished for him. Although I did not let it show on my face, my heart broke as I muttered out her name, unable to believe the torture Lucius was putting me under. I would rather be put under the Cruciatus Curse a thousand times than lay a hand on Hermione. Clearly Lucius saw that, but had obviously had no issue laying a hand, or more, on Hermione. Dear God no!

The screams, her fear, her bravery when it came to stopping Death Eaters, Lucius' comment about her child, it all made sense now! He had raped her! It was his child! No wonder she refused to admit who the father was. It was Lucius!

He must have seen the realization in my eyes, as his evil smirk deepened, and he was suddenly as horrid as Voldemort himself. His lips moved silently to the words "you're welcome", and I felt like lunging for his throat. How dare he touched her! How dare he ruin her beautiful innocence! How dare he treat as her dirt!

We all heard a loud pop and turned to see what the commotion was. My heart stopped when I turned to see her standing there in soaking wet clothes and running makeup. I wanted to run to her and warm her up with a never ending hug. But, knowing that would get us both killed instantly, I remained seated. I winced when she finally found me and we made eye contact. There was a look of hurt in her eyes. I knew I had betrayed her, hurt her, ruined her inside by being here. That is, if she loved me the same way I loved her. And seeing me seated next to the father of her soon-to-be child, my illness at its worse could not have helped at all.

"Miss Granger." I repeated again, but this time my voice was joined by another. A more treacherous, smooth, venomous voice: the voice of Lucius Malfoy. He stood and walked slowly over to her, where she stood frozen in place. She winced and shut her eyes when he put his hand under her chin, tilting her face up to his. I honestly did the same. He then turned to me.

"Severus, the time has come. Prove your allegiance. Kill the girl." He said, standing behind her with his hand on a place that was unable to be seen from my current standpoint.

I felt all eyes on me. I knew that there was no possible chance we would both survive this encounter. So I slowly raised my wand and muttered softly.


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