The Deed is Done

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Severus' POV:

While I was trying to come up with an answer to Hermione's tears, I wandered off into my own bedroom, I always thought better there.

I fell asleep instead, however. Who knew I would be able to sleep so deftly after being in a seven-day coma?

I woke to the burning of my forearm and the snake sliding through the dark skull again. Impossible. He had died. It told me to go to Malfoy Manor, and I was not one to disobey and give away my position as a spy, so I apparated there, Hermione still on my mind. If only I had put up my guards against legilimency that day.

I arrived just outside the meeting room and heard what I had always feared: Lucius speaking with my brother.

"Have we got a deal, Lucius?" Rumple asked singingly, his usual high voice returning.

"Yes. We will attack Granger immediately. Go to Hogwarts. Now." Lucius bellowed at my brother, obviously irritated. "Do not return until you've finished the job. Understood?" He asked, his voice venomously low.

"Yes, dearie. Doubt not I'll return though. I still need my payment." Rumple giggled and disapparated in a large gust of smoke.

"Severus, it is rude to idle in the doorway. Come in. I have known for a while your bother and I were not alone." Lucius said without turning to face me.

"How did you know, Lucius?" I asked, my interest peaked.

"Your anti-legilimency spells are down. Large mistake, my friend." He said calmly. "You really ought to stop thinking about that filthy chit of yours." He smiled maliciously.

"She's no filth, Luce. What are you doing to her with my brother? Why? And how can I stop it?" I asked, my voice filling the hollowed living room as I entered. I solemnly took the seat across from him.

"You can't stop it, Severus, it's already in motion. He and I have a complex plan you will understand in time." Lucius soothed.

"My dark mark burned and told me to come here. Why?" I asked, confusion laced in my tone.

"I have no idea. Here, let Fenrir and Nott help you to a room here tonight, it's rather late." He motioned the two men into the room and over to me.

"Follow us." Fenrir barked and headed out a door I hadn't seen before.

I followed the pair down a hidden staircase in the back wall. It was dark and filled with musk, not the usual staircase I took to get to the guest bedrooms.

I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw the staircase, but said nothing for fear of my life. I very well couldn't stop Rumple's plan from beyond the grave. So I followed quietly, ignoring the increasingly loud screams that amplified the further we got down the staircase. Then, we hit the bottom. Fenrir and Nott grabbed me from behind and threw me into a rotting cell.

I cursed them both out and included my brother and Lucius in the rage. I smacked the cold bars as hard as I could, the loud sound echoing through the halls.

I instantly remembered that I had brought my wand with me, searching inside my coat for it. My hand ran through the inside and outside of the coat, but to no avail. I supposed Fenrir or Nott ripped it off of me while rough handling me down the stairs. I cursed them all out again, my energy being wasted.

All I could think about was Hermione. I prayed they wouldn't hurt her, but I knew prayers would do me no good. Lucius was almost as vile as Rumple and the pair teamed up was next to deathly. I muttered inconspicuously to myself, telling I would never forgive myself, Lucius, or Rumpelstiltskin if anything happened to Hermione.

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