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Hermione's POV:

I left my bedroom at sunrise the next morning, not wanting to see Snape before I left. I hadn't had a wink of sleep and I was afraid he would either change my mind or irritate me more, so I left silently. I was about to open the front door and walk out when I saw the kitchen light on. I figured Iliana had left it on the night before.

I went to turn it off and stopped dead in my tracks, my hand on the light switch. He sat there in his black robes, drinking a cup if black coffee without sugar. He hasn't changed, and, from his appearance, he hasn't slept at all either. His greasy hair was tossed violently by an invisible wind, his eyes looked as if they may drown in the black puddles underneath them, and his hands were shaking violently.

I turned to leave as if I hadn't seen him, hoping he wouldn't turn around and see me. He didn't turn around, but he spoke in his monotone deep voice that more scratchy than normal.

"Sit down, Hermione. Draco is not expecting you for another couple hours. If you go now, you'll wake him. Draco is always moody, I can't imagine how he'll be if you wake him." He said, not moving. I paused in motion for a second, unsure if I had heard the voice. "Come now, Hermione. Don't be foolish. That never got anyone anywhere." He said again, venom in his voice.

"No." I said, everything shaking. I was proud when my voice out level.

"Excuse me?" He asked, turning around to face me. Bloody hell, his eyes. The black embers were staring into my caramel ones. I ripped myself away from his stare, not able to look at him while I continued.

"Why must you make this hard for me?" I snapped, staring at the floor as tears filled my eyes. You'd think I would've learned to hold it in after two months of living with him. He stared silently, his gaze intense. "Stop! Stop looking at me! I didn't want to leave! I didn't want to ruin your life! I didn't want to even be here! You ruined it! You ruined it all! Goodbye, Severus." I cried, running out the door.

I apparated to outside of Malfoy Muggle Manor, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my dark sweater. I walked in throught the front gates silently, wishing the pain in my chest away. What was happening to me!? I knocked on the entrance door to the great building to no avail. I waited a few minutes, and, sure enough, he opened the door.

Draco stood taller than before, his head held high with his blond hair tassled in a messy cute sort of way. It was obvious I had woke him, he stood yawning in his black sleeping robes. As I stared at the robes, I couldn't help but think of Severus' dark cloaks, billowing behind him with every step.

I inwardly scolded myself; this was not time for such ideas. I went to look at Draco again and found him pulling me into a warm kiss. He obviously didn't notice the large bump on my stomach that lied between us. When he finnaly pulled back and gingerly pushed my tears aside with his thumb, I couldn't help but smile a little at the light inside his grey eyes.

He ushered me in, tossing his robe around my shoulders and protecting Mr from the April rain outside. He rushed me into the heated bathroom and dried my soaking hair with warm towels. He dabed at my face, stating I was paler than usual and freezing cold. He accioed a heated blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders in place of his robe.

When he finally gave me a moment alone in my room to change , I couldn't help but be grateful for his kindness. He hadn't asked questions or berated my appearance like Severus would have done. No, instead he simply helped me without a word.

Then I realized, I had called Snape Severus! To his face, nonetheless! To be fair, it stated when he called me Hermione. My goodness, he had called me Hermione!

My heart sank and died slowly as I realized I would likely never speak to him again, as his death was inevitable without me healing him as I had these past few months. I sat down in the large bed quietly once I had peeled off my wet clothes and changed into a warm sweater and pajama bottoms.

I quickly got overwhelmed with emotion and went to the bookshelf Draco had strategically placed in the corner of my room. I couldn't help but let my heart swell as I saw the humongous shelf towering over me, so many ancient texts I had yet to read. I took the ladder to the top and picked out a novel "The Dark Magic of Love" by Simon Sewell.

It truly was a good book, talking about a muggleborn witch named Rose that Sewell had loved as a child but was stolen away from him at his boarding school by a Joseph Petrew. I felt myself slowly falling for the bullied protagonist before tenderly putting the book down and laying back in the bed once I had finished it.

It was a sad story, Sewell never got Rose, but she grew up to marry Joseph and had a son Hilbert. She died shortly after, along with her husband. I lay back against my pillows, as it was dusk now. I fell quickly asleep to the soft music of a hard someone was playing in the manor. My head was filled thoughts of Sna-Severus. I caught myself, grinning a little and letting a silent tear roll down my cheek. Suddenly, I understood Sewell's point of view perfectly, and I knew I would never see him again. I couldn't accept it, but I acknowledged it. I guess that's all I could ever do with the hard stuff.

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