All Magic Comes With A Price

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This chapter is dedicated to @The-Dark-Mistress and Seeveus Snape's Lover

Severus' POV:

I sat up after a moment, my heartbeat returning to a normal rate. I questioned the sterile situation at first, but relief washed through me as I saw Sirius Black standing over me.

"Can you try not to die for one year, Snivellus?" He snarked back at me, irony across his face.

"That's about as likely as you not having sisters, Black." I laughed back.

"Hermione cares for you and only you, you blithering git! Go to her and I'll protect you! She saved us both for a reason, mine is obviously to help her protect you in the dunderhead situations you get yourself into while she's off. Poor witch didn't even know what she was getting into, falling for you as hard as she did. She always has loved her prince in the half blood black robes." He snickered.

"Shut up, you dunderhead!" I snapped ,suddenly embarrassed by his language.

"Run, Snivellus! Go!" He yells after me as I take off down the hall.

"Thank you, Black!" I yelled back, running for dear life.

I tore down the hollow halls of the dark prison, turned the last corner around the bend and slammed straight into a small figure. I sat up, praying it wasn't Umbridge. My heart hit my temples as I saw Hermione splinched on the floor, her arm and chest covered in blood. She moaned lightly in pain as she dug in her bag for the remedy, no doubt, and I took it from her shaking hands as she lifted and almost dropped it.

Hermione already told you what happened next, so I'll skip to the next part that's actually relevant. We took the floo to Spinner's End, or at least we were supposed to. We landed in the Muggle world, however in a town called New York City. It was bright and extremely loud, blinding us both in a second. She fell, and instinctively, I caught her.

I carried her bridal style to the next abandoned motel, placing her in a bed where I knew she could sleep peacefully that night. I brushed a golden strand of hair away from her amazingly beautiful face. I chuckled thinking she had fallen for an old and scarred man like myself. I tucked her in gently and kissed her forehead. She had to be exhausted after all she had done. She isn't a kid, believe me. I fully support that she's a young woman, but she couldn't handle this emotional exasperation, I could barely handle it.

I ran outside to send a quick patronus to Minerva that all was well and Hermione and I were safe. I smirked, knowing all would be okay in the end.

"Ah ah ah, dearie. That's where you're wrong." A sly voice can from the dark corner a few meters away. "All magic comes with a price, and it's your turn to pay." Mr. Gold stepped out from the shadows, his Kane clicking on the pavement.

"What? You must be mad! What magic have you given me? You're mad, Mr. Gold!" I cried, stepping back in fear.

"The girl. You took away my chance when you helped her save the Black fellow after he was released from his disguise as Killian. You took away my chance at getting revenge on him for taking away Bae's mother. Now, I will return the favor. I am taking away your true love. The girl upstairs. She is now in an undisturbed sleep til morning. When she wakes, she will forget about the Wizarding World and anything or anyone to do with it. That includes you, Severus. Oh no, dearie. Did I ruin your magical ever after? Too bad!" He smirked and cruelly lurked away before I could lunge to grab him by his jacket.

I cursed internally at my failure, followed by a violent coughing fit of bloody mucus. When I finally recovered, I raced up the stairs to wear Hermione lay sleeping. I threw the door open and tried to wake her in every muggle and magical way possible, but to no avail. Bloody hell! I sobbed next to her as I realized she would forget my existence by morning.

Flipping Gold and his prices! How could he do this to his own apprentice! His own brother! I slammed my fists on the bed and cursed out the family name, and finally succumbed to the tiredness, falling asleep on the soft and silky edge of the dirty sheets of Hermione's bed.

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