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"what can I do but love you?"

"I can tell you're regretting the move, Kerr," my father says breaking the silence that has come between us. I keep my eyes glued to my photo album on my iPod. He sigh,  "Kerr its for your own good. You think I want to leave Charlton to go to Cross Roads?"
You could have just left me behind, asshole.
"No dad," I reply rolling my eyes, "I think you're just too interested in this Grace chick. I don't want to be around you two home wreckers, if I should be honest."  
"Listen Kerroline Brown! I'm bending over backwards for you and Steven, your mom took him away from me I have been miserable without them, I have found my joy and you will not ruin this for me."
What about me? Fucktard. I roll my eyes at the selfish bastard.
"Did you hear yourself?" I say pulling the emergency brakes, "or is your head to far up this bitch's ass for you to hear anything but the sound of her bowl activity?!" I screamed frustrated.  I came out of the car before he could respond, my first  thought to run. That I did.
   I'm going home even if it takes all week. I'm not living with him or that she devil homewrecker.
I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me, not wanting him to close the  gap between us, I speed up, losing him behind a delivery truck. When I finally reached a bus stop, out if breath, I hopped on the first downtown bus I saw.

"Mandeville bus ready!" A conductor shouted in the middle of bus park. "You going my way?" He asked and I nod and entered the bus he pointed to. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. I ignored it knowing its my father. The bus departed around 20 minutes later. I was so angry and tired from running, but I cannot rest just yet. I can't wait to reach Stella's house, I busied my eyes by  looking at the people standing on the street as we drive through Spanish town.
   Suddenly the bus stops and the ring of gunshots filled the air. I fell down out of instinct praying that we won't be hit by bullets. I am covering my head with my hand, my eyes shut tight as I pray for my life to be spared. This is when I felt  myself being dragged up, I squeal and squirm and kick until I finally opened my eyes to face my death.
Death was sure as hell handsome.
"Woah! I'm not going to hurt you. I'm officer..." Muffled words came. I completely zoned out. He was very handsome. Dark chocolate eyes and waves like the sea in his black  hair. His lips moved but all I could think about was his smooth, chocolate, velvet looking skin.
"Hello! Hello?" He said shaking me slightly. I came back to reality. "Come let's get you to the hospital."
"What's going on?" I question.
"You're injured,," he says revving his police car away.

I was treated for a head injury that I had no idea I got and sent to sit until they finished doing whatever they were doing. The officer came to sit beside me.
"Can I get a number for your parents?"
"I don't have any."
"Of course you do, I saw the missed calls from 'dad' oh here's your belongings." He gives me my phone and purse. "876-345-6739"
"Thank you, Kerroline." He rolled the 'r' so sexily I almost melted in my seat. "Okay." Is all I could say without choking on lust.
"Your dad said he's on his way." Oh great, I rolled my eyes 
"That's lovely," I said sarcastically.  He looked down at me and then sat beside me.
"I'm Jeff, what is wrong?"  He asked. I couldn't get over how sexy he was. I wanted him to kiss me.
"Nothing,"  I lied. Trying to control my emotions.
"Not a fan of him?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Its not him, its the things he does." I admit.
"Changing my life to suit his love of his life. I mean she's okay but talk about home wrecker." He laughs at this.
"She's like a tick, so attached to him. Evey day she calls our house phone asking for him. She's like a baby."
"Wow, maybe she loves him."
"Love? She is crazy! Sorry, she is insane." I said looking into his eyes. He didn't break the stare he just put his hand on mine. "Maybe that's just how she expressed her love." He says breaking the silence.
"Yeah, but he moved all the way to Cross Roads just to be with her." I said leaning back.
"I work near there, take my number and when I'm free I'll show you around." I felt butterflies in my belly as I gave him my phone. He tapped it in and returned it.
"Hey don't zone out on me again." I smiled looking at the phone, 'Jeff😘' I blushed.
"Thanks, I'll..." A hand touched me I snapped around.
"Kerroline are you okay? I looked everywhere. I was worried." I removed his hand. I groaned and turned my back to my father.
"Officer, thank you for the help, I'll be going now." I said winking and mouthing 'I'll call you' before I turned and left him with dad. I walked to the car and sat in the backseat as Grace was in the front.
"Well hello Kerr." She said. I rolled my eyes.
"Only my friends call me by my nickname." I snap.
"We can be friends."
"Not a chance. Just stick to dad you've already ruined my life enough. Congrats."
"Well, I'm sorry he's trying to be happy."
"He doesn't see anything but you! Like a child with candy. I'm his only real family! You're the reason my mother left, you little home wrecking mother ..."
"That's enough Kerroline." Dad says entering the car. I groaned loudly, mother skcuntI sat quietly until we arrived  home.
I got out behind dad, he stopped me.

"At least act like you like her." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not an actor." I hissed.
"Why are you so negative? She's trying her best to get along with you."
"No! She's trying her best to convince you that she's perfect!"
"I'm happy for the first time since your mom left. Please."
"You made her leave. Plus, I'm not happy but I guess you like sacrificing others for your well being."
"Honey, that's not true. I love you most, I want you to be happy."
"Then come let's go home, where grandma and Benji is. Tell mom you love her, so Steven can come back."
"No, I'm happy with Grace."
"See? See!  You are betraying me, mom and Steven for a homewrecker!" I said running into the house. I randomly picked a room to lock myself in. I was on the brink of tears when I remembered Jeff.
I took my phone from my pocket and texted him hoping to cheer up.
*Kerr_ hey!
×Jeff_ hi Keroline
*Kerr_ you okay?
×jeff_ meet me at the bus stop?
*Kerr_ which one?
×jeff_ the first one at cross road.
*Kerr_ I know which one. I'll be there.

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