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Two years later
Jason POV
I woke early and went out to the mall. Today was Kerr's birthday so it had to be extraordinary, something I'm not good at. My little girl is turning twenty today, makes me warm inside. I know the best way to give her the time of her life. I walked in to the mall and immediately started buying stuff. I was finished and went to collect Micah from her moms house. Now it was off to Utech to execute my plan. This has to go exactly as planned.

Kerr's POV

I was falling asleep in History class. How can one class be so boring? Great way to spend my twentieth birthday, sitting listening to the democratic rights. I was almost in a deep sleep when Mr. Daniels called to me.  "What now asshole?" I said groaning oblivious to what i just blurted out to a teacher.
"Hey! Sleeping beauty, office now."
"Its better than this." I mumbled rushing out. Suspension?  Detention? Who cares! Its a free ticket out of that stupid class .

I walked in and was later  directed to the parking lot. What kind of sick game is going on? No one was out there but me.

"Mam mam" I heard coming from the corner. What the hell is Micah doing here? I quickly picked him up and kissed him. "Hey big boy." I twirled his braids. He kissed me by spitting on my lip and biting me. "Da da." He pointed and I saw Jason walk out with a bouquet of flowers. I smiled. "Kissing my woman mini me? " He asked jokingly.

"Hey," I said.
"Happy birthday kerr."
"Thanks jay."
"You probably have class." He took Micah and I waved to walk away then I heard Micah behind me. "Mam mam." He was holding a black box. "Mammy ma?" He said. I tried to make out, it almost sounded like marry me. I gasped and Jason came and got on his knees. "I don't think excitement and all this fancy thing is needed, I think my heart and my mind are finally agreeing cause all they want is you."  He opened it revealing a simple but dashing ring.
"Will you marry me?" i felt like i was floating on cloud nine.  With tears in my eyes,  i managed to say, "yes jay."
He put on a shiny ring with a diamond inside and hugged me while Micah had already been playing  with a flower in the bouquet. "Aww so sweet." I heard over the intercom. Was the headmaster eavesdropping? What the hell? I laughed and kissed both my favorite guys.

Then went back to class smiling.
Short chapter I'm sorry

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