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The first few days at my moms house was spent trying to call Eric and Gia. Gia texted me about being busy but Eric has not paid me dog mind. I sat on my bed and sighed. Why did I even suggest doing that? Why couldn't I just kiss and say goodbye? You just had to prove you're a sex goddess, didn't you? My brother walked in. "Why were you crying?" He said. I shook my head and smiled. "Miss my friends." I lied. He walked over to my dresser and stared down at something. "Are you pregnant?!" He snapped holding up a box of tests I bought yesterday. I shivered and tried to explain but he kept 'shhhing' me. He locked the door and stood in front of me. "Tell me the truth."
"I am! I am telling you the truth, Steven my boyfriend and I had sex before I came here and I cause him to pop in me. Now I'm not sure." I said with tears in my eyes. He laughed and threw the box at me, "so dad was right. You're sleeping around."
"Its just him."
"Did he love you if he was gonna do it raw? If he did he wouldn't start with protection."
"Jeff loves me!"
"So why are you still leaving voice mails on his phone?"
"He's upset just as much as I am."
"Really? Okay call him now." He barked. I dialed the phone and put it on speaker. My heart jumped when he answered, "Jeff."
"Hello, how are you?" He asked.
"Good, how is everything?"
"Um..good, good so far."
"Jeff I.." There was a giggle in the back ground then some shuffling and there was silence. Steven was on the floor laughing to his death. "Jeff, I miss you."
"Oh..yeah. I miss you too.harder!" My heart tore, was he having sex while on the phone? I was so pissed I was stunned.
"Gee Kerr, I'm at work. Oh gia!" "What the.. Hell!! Jeff!"
"Shit, Kerr I can explain!"
"Go to hell!" I slammed the phone off and Steven came to my side. "I'm sorry sis."
"Let them go to hell. I don't care." I said. I was so numb I honestly didn't care. "Sis, you're welcome."
"Thanks. Can I be alone?"
"Yes but let me call gia for you." He took my phone and with a devilish smirk he left the room. I laughed Steven was known to be a sassy little smart mouth. Hope he has fun. I looked at the test, "come here you plastic thing."

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