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Steven and I decided to have breakfast at Mothers Diner as a way to get me out if the house. I still wasn't acquainted with the new neighborhood and the people so this was his way to show me around. We sat eating our sandwiches and drinking coffee. There was small talk here and there about school and stuff but apart from that he was looking at his phone majority of the time.

"I'm gonna see if I can find a news paper stand I'll be back." He suddenly said leaving me alone in the booth. Soon after he walked in smiling followed by someone maybe his friend. When she came closet I realized who she was and felt my body tense up as I got up to leave. Steven grabbed me and pushed me back into the corner then sat beside me. The intruder sat facing me but kept her head down. Damn right you whore!
"Kerr please you need to listen okay. For me." Steven said taking my phone away. "Gia. Speak." He said. I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly.  "Kerr I have to tell you...the truth."
Gia's POV

"Kerr I have to tell you...the truth." I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and waved her hand. "I'm sorry." I said biting back the tears. I had to tell her the truth before the door closes but I can't when she won't even look at me. "Kerr, please. Look at me."
"I should look at the whore that slept with my boyfriend!"
"Kerr, I didn't mean to."
"Sure you didn't. How long have you been doing this?"
"Not long."
"Wow, steven can I leave I can't be bothered." Kerr said looking at her brother who was blissfully ignoring her with his head on the table. "Kerr, I have something to tell you." I said again this time with a bit more sternness in my voice. "Finneee." She said.
"Jeffrey, he um...he... Jeffrey ra-raped me." I was sobbing loudly now but she didn't budge. How can she be so hard hearted? She kept looking out the window. "He and his friend... They raped me." I continued saying. She looked at me. "You expect me to believe that? You slept with him admit it." She spat at me. I sighed and pulled out my phone and went into Facebook. I looked up his page and searched his posts. Then put it in front of her, "watch it." She narrowed her eyes but toon the phone up and played the  video. She slammed it down hard and breathe heavily, I could see she was crying a little. There was silence. I was to say something but what could I say? She knew the truth, she saw it for herself. It was her time to play ball. I waited until she stopped crying and turned her head towards me. "Is this all?" She asked. I shook my head.
"What else Gianna? What else is there to tell me?"
"I'm pregnant."
"I'm so sorry, I am a terrible person."
"No! Kerr this was my fault. I shouldn't have talked to him."
"How did this happen?"
"The night, after we came back from our little outing he came to me at the bus stop. He spoke to me and we exchanged numbers, I hardly spoke to him because he spoke about you a lot and I didn't tell him I knew you since he clearly didn't know it. Then one evening he called me and he said he wants to talk to me about you moving away so I went over to his house. We talked a while and i was going to leave but, then a guy walked in, he was in uniform and they talked one side, i got up to leave again but the guy stopped me and that's when they started throwing hints at me. I tried to stop them to evade then and when I tried to leave they held on to me and he said if I made a sound he's gonna kill me. Then they, did that. And he forced me to go low on him, that's when you called." My voice was low now and she was looking at me.
"Gia, its okay. I'm here for you. Have you been to a doctor?"
"No, I can't go without my mom. She kicked me out."
"She did what? That's just crazy." I tapped Steven and he looked up at me, "can she stay with us?"
"You two okay now? Wow, umm..yeah mom won't mind." He said standing and stretching.
"Kerr thank you."
"Gia, you had a lot of guts to tell me all this, to deal with this and I really only wanted you to tell me the truth." I hugged her and I felt some what ready to face the life ahead.

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