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Medication, your medication gets me high.

A year passed and my relationship with Jeff couldn't be more interesting. Just last night we drove his car to the pier and sat on it watching the stars.

Tonight I planned to make dinner and watch movies. Luckily dad was away in St. Ann so I was free to stay over with Gia, my best friend until he gets back on Monday. Gia agreed to cover for Friday to Saturday night and her mom agreed to lie until Saturday morning in case Grace decides to pop in. Gia was going to a bleachers party in Portland so she could easily tell Grace I'm with her.
I took my over night decoy bag, the real one was already at Jeff's place and carried it downstairs. "Grace, I'm ready. Gia is more impatient on Fridays!" She walked out smiling and holding her phone to her ear. I still hate the bitch but I need a ride so might as well. I  rolled my eyes knowing it was dad. She smiled, talked a while then turned to me. "He wants to talk to you." She put the phone at my ears and went out in front of me.
"Hey dad."
"Sweetheart! I miss you so much." Yeah I don't miss you.
"I have a phone call me once in a while." I walked to the car as Grace signalled being ready.
"I'm sorry, are you going to Gia's house tonight or was it tomorrow."
"I'm actually on my way. Did Ms. Peters tell you we'll be in Portland tonight?"
"Yes and I put extra cash on your card. You be safe now. Bye."
"Thanks dad. Bye. Monday?"
"Yes, I love you."
"I love you too dad." He hung up right as we drove onto Gia's  street.
"Are you sure you have everything?" Grace asked. "Yes, my night clothes, panty, bra, rag, soap, roll on, toothbrush, my outfit for tonight and school clothes for monday." I said wanting to get rid of her.
"Good, now have fun and don't be scared to WhatsApp me pics." She hugged me lightly and waved goodbye. I was about to open the door when she called at me,
"Oh! Keroline, I'm going to be out with Andrea tomorrow and I'm going to church with Stella so I won't be able to pick you up Sunday. Do you mind going to church with Gia?"
"I'm sure she'll have something to fit me. Bye." I entered the house and was greeted by noise so loud I couldn't even here myself think. Ms. Peters ran out of the kitchen.
"Gia and Dave are fighting again. I'm sorry dinner is on the table." She said running upstairs. Smoke engulfed the kitchen as the chicken that was frying burned. I went in and turned off the stove and tried to fix the chicken in sauce that won't make it waste. The house was in confusion, everyone was screaming and running like mad ants. "Red! Blue! Do not bring your shoes in! Stop the running! Gia! Dave! Dinner!" She came as soon as I had served two plates for Gia and Dave. She looked at me and sighed. "Oh thank you. Here have some Smirnoff and eat."
"Thank you very much." I smiled and went out to eat.
"Big head! You're here!" Gia said hugging my neck causing me to choke. "Alright you choking me!"
"Ugly girl Keroline!"
"Yes? Dirty pants Dave?"
"Kiss my ass!"
"What ass?"
"Enough!" Gia screamed not wanting to fight again. At about seven I was getting ready to leave when my phone rings.
"Keroline Brown?"
"Your mother has been in a terrible accident. Please come to Kingston public hospital immediately."
"Y-yes." I ran out if the room and number into Dave.
"What's wrong?"
"Can you bring me to K.P.H? Please its urgent!"
"Sure. Come on."

We arrived at the hospital and were escorted to a ward.
"Here are her valuables. Um... Ms. Brown, she's sedated because of the shock she was in. She kept screaming and crying so we put her to sleep. We contacted your father he said he will be here tomorrow and to tell you to go have fun none the less. Your mom..."
"Okay, your step mom just has a broken leg and her arm is broken in three places. She's the lucky one, the other female  is on her way to ICU a University Hospital. No need to worry. As you father said go have fun none the less."
"As long as he said it. I'm relieved doc. Thanks." I turn and walk to Dave who was at the desk flirting with a nurse. "Come along Dave, you're wife is in labor." I joked as I pulled him away. He protested and pouted but ended up laughing when I almost fell at the speed bump. We made a quick spin home and back on the road to Jeff's which Dave thought was just my late night shopping. "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.
"Yep, bye." I waved as he drove off. I walked to his house quickly as I was late.

*ten minutes later*
I knocked on the door panting hard like a dog. I ran the last ten minutes back. I should have made him drop me off here and just walk up. The door opened and was pulled in. "I texted you an hour ago!"
"I was at the hospital, Grace was in a crash."
"The heart you have. Could have called."
"Jeff, stop I'm here thank God."
"Come here, the food is cold so you'll have to skip that. But my arms are warm." I walked over to him.
"You are so lame its cute." He kissed me slowly then once we were on the sofa he put more lip work into them. His hand held my waist as he pulled me closer. "Kerr. Stop." He said pushing me away.
"What?" I almost choked.
"I can't use you like that."
"You're not, I want it just as much as you do."
"I just don't want to rush it."
"Okay I'll rush it." I said climbing on top of him and taking my blouse off. He kissed my chest and gripped my bottom. "I want you more than ever Jeff." I whispered making him moan in my ears. I removed my shorts and his boxers. "Play with me Jeff." I said. He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it. "Jeff, I meant...there." I put his hand on my core. "Here?" He shifted my underwear and pushed his finger in. I moaned and kissed him. He sped up putting two in making me moan louder. "I feel...like...Jeff! Jeff! Oh my!...oh." I screamed as my fluid sprays on his chest. "That's hot."
"I want you. More of you."
"OKay, let me bring you upstairs."
"Lock the front door and turn off the lights."
"Okay go up."

Our bodies fell beside each other. I took deep breaths as I felt a thriving between my legs. I looked down and saw blood. "Jeff! I'm bleeding," I said afraid to make anymore if a mess "As expected. Come let me clean you up." He said taking me in his arms. His bathroom was beautiful. He turned on the hot water and put me in. He dealt with me so delicately I couldn't help but smile when he was drying me off. "Thank you."
"I will do anything to make you happy."
"Jeff, thanks."
"Yes dear. Now go sleep and I will be right back."
"Where are you going?"
"Go try and lay down."
He returned with pads and a sweet. "Put this on."
"To catch extra blood. Plus, you'll feel cleaner."
I did just that and he escorted me to bed after I was finished. My eyes dozed off and the last thing I saw was the bright smile on his face.

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