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What's love baby don't hurt me!

I changed into a romper that showed my thighs and a jacket. Grace and dad were having dinner and I refused to sit with them. I walked down. "Hey dad I'm meeting a friend outside."
"Come eat with us." He said. I walked right pass him.
"I'll be back at eight or nine," I said shutting the door.

Grace's POV

She walked down when I was talking to Ranold. "Hey dad I'm meeting a friend outside." Kerr said.
I looked at Ronold but didn't say anything. I looked how he smiled at her. "Come eat with us." She didn't even look at him, just waltz right pass.
"I'll be back at eight or nine," She said, the left. His eyes dropped as he turned back to his food. "So, which school is she going to go?"
"I want her to pick."
"Aren't you the adult?"
"Grace my daughter is my business, not yours." He said firmly. 
"I see, but I'm just suggesting that you let her know she's still a child," I said reaching my hand to touch him.
"Grace! Please, she's seventeen let her be. I can't tear her anymore, god damit!  she already hates me for moving here, I don't think  controlling her is the best thing to do."
"You make her rule you! She is still a child and you should make her know that!" I said loudly and firmly.
"I don't give a shit! You will not say anything to her! Nothing!" He made me shake as he stormed out of the dining room. I sigh loudly.  If she doesn't like me he won't marry me.

"Kerroline, you look beautiful in the moonlight." Jeff said to me engulfing me in his arms. I felt my lady part tingle when his breath rubbed my neck. "Where are we going?" I asked. He smiled, "to see a movie." He said pointing to Carib 5. I loved the theater it was my favorite place when I was in the area,  when I came with my mom to visit my Aunt.
   He took my hand as we gave the tickets to the lady and walked in. We were going to watch 'good luck chuck '. We sat at a secluded area as only a few people were here. The movie started and I already felt weird. I didn't think Hollywood would go this far to make a movie about a sex good luck charm. It was funny and stupid at the same time. In the midst of the movie, I felt a hand make its way on to my thigh.
  "Jeff," I whispered, taken a aback by this.
"I'm sorry do you mind?" He asked looking at me.
"No I don't." Honestly I don't.
He trailed circles on my inner thigh causing my eyes to roll back. "Jeff..." I couldn't speak as his finger was rubbing on my core. The lights switched on and the voice over the intercom startled me. I could tell he was frightened too.
  Wow, that was an interesting movie date.
The walk back to the bus stop was silent. The he finally stopped.
"Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched you." He said  without looking at me. "Its fine," I said, it was very fine.
"You should go," he said still not looking at me.
"Its just just seven, I have until nine. Please?" I begged. We continued walking in silence, the house wasn't far from the bus stop but it felt like ages without him saying anything. When we were across from my house he looked at me.
"I don't want to let my feelings get the best of me."
"What if I want them to?" I licked my lips.
"No, I'll call you. Bye." He said. I walked away toward the house. I felt my heart crush into a million pieces.

The phone vibrated on my bed as I sat to get undressed.
×jeff_ good night I would like to see you again, soon.

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