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Now that I know why Steven has been so hospitable to Gia, now that I know that I'm not pregnant and now that Jason and I are  official, I could put my feet up and initiate my plan. I was going to make sure they know not to hide things from me.

I sat at the table Jason set for me. He smiled and poured some wine, "Kerr, I love that we can do this."
"Me too. I'm actually glad things blew over."
"Speaking of blow over," he said swallowing a piece of beef. "What were you talking about over the phone last night?" I looked at him trying to recollect my memory. What is he talking about?? Kerr!!  I gave him a puzzled look and he nodded, "you said something about Gia."
"Oh, holy shit! I almost forgot."
"Almost?" He smirked finishing his beef stew and sipping wine. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I knew she was lying, I knew from she mentioned Barry I knew she was lying. Maybe Jeff can rape, but Barry? No way in hell, I've met the guy, he can't hurt a fly."
"He's a cop? Ha! Wow!"
"Jay! This is serious, she lied about Jeff. She betrayed me."
"Are you sure you're not concerned about him?"
"What?" I looked angrily at him, how could he think I am worried about Jeff? I felt anger stir in my mind, I growled under my breathe. "I mean what if you still care about him. Its not like you don't think about him."
"Shut the hell up! I most definitely do not care about Jeffrey." I protested.
"Maybe you still love him, Kerroline!"
"I can't believe you." I slammed my hand on the table and got up. I walked to the door, grabbing my purse and jacket. The nerve, I do not love Jeff, I don't anymore. Maybe a few weeks I did but I don't now that Jason is in my heart. But no! He thinks otherwise. I was walking so fast I did not notice I hit in someone who grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked up in a frantic stare.  "Kerr, I need to talk to you." He said. His hold on me was so gentle but secure, his eyes pierced my heart and I wanted to hold him. I missed his arms so much, its been too long. I forced my lips on his and I kissed him hard and passionately. He forced his tongue in my mouth as his arms snaked around my waist. I pulled him closer until the bulge was rubbing my core. I moaned softly  as I kissed him harder. "Finished?" I heard a voice say from behind. We jumped apart and faced the intruder, who happened to be....
Jason's POV

They pulled away at the sound of my voice. I confirmed my suspicion about her all the time. "Jason..I can explain." She said.
"Do I look like a fucking judge?" I said with a smirk. I folded my arms and leaned against to wall.
"Don't talk to her like that." The male said. "And so he's the lawyer? How interesting."
"Jason, this is.."
"Jeff? I know. We've met, ain't that right Jeffrey?" I said looking at kerr who seemed to be lost. Don't be so hard on her, he did take her virginity."Jason."
"Kerr go home. Now."
"He's right, go home. The eight o clock bus will be passing soon." Jeff said.
"I'll call you jay." She said walking off. "That won't be necessary. I'm not talking to you." I said turning away. She looked like she died back there as the colour drained from her face and her eyes dropped. Once she was gone, I turned back to Jeff, "when are you going to tell her...the truth?"
"Mr. Stone I'm sorry, I wanted to tell her but she kissed me."
"I told you she still loves you. You have until next week to tell her." I said slamming the door I his face. I cleaned up, wishing I hadn't killed her so much. "Goodnight Mr. Stone!" Jeff said a minute later. "Bye!" Fucking piss pot.

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