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Gia's pov

I walked around the house trying to clean. Something stank up in the rooms and I was playing detective to find it. I already searched my room, Steven's which I found an old condom and morning after pills, I know he's messing around even after he got me pregnant, I still felt hurt about it but its not like we are together again. I walked into Kerr's room, she had been avoiding me all week and I don't know why. Obviously its because of something I did but what? I walked around sniffing the air for the stench. Jackpot! I turned to the vanity and picked up the stale milk. My eyes glanced over a paper, "oh what's this?" I just had to peak. My eyes fell wide open and I dropped the milk in shock. The paper was a pregnancy test dated last week. Could it be? I tried to think and at last I remembered, she did have sex with....."oh my rice and cabbage!"
That sneaking bitch.
Kerr's POV
I came early from school as I was feeling sick. Jason still isn't answering my calls, how childish. The house smelt like shit, I mean really like day old shit. I screwed my nose as I entered my room. The box of milk was spilled on my carpet and that was the root of the stench. "Breeze must of blown it  off. Hmm." I assumed sarcastically obviously someone was in my room and I knew exactly who. Steven. Probably searching for condoms again. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs to get the carpet cleaner and vacuum. Gia walked out of the TV room. "Hey gee." I said. I haven't spoken to her since last week as a way to punish her for lying to me. She smiled and went to the fridge. "All you do is eat." I said again.
"I am  pregnant. You're home early?"
"Yes I feel like I'm going to hurl a mile long and my feet are swollen." I showed her my ankles. She gapped like it was a ghost she was looking down at. "Oh my...  Kerr, go rest. What's that for?"
"Steven spilt milk on my carpet. Maybe was looking for condoms again." She lost all expression like she was dying. That's right he's messing around...insignificant bitch!  "Why in your room?" She asked catching an attitude.  "Oh! This one time his girlfriend came over and he was so unprepared.  I happened to have one so ever since I stash them in my room he knows where to find them." I walked up the stairs and turned towards her, "there is no secrets between us gee. We trust each other."  In that note I heard the door open and steven walked in I was already in my room before he saw me. I turned on the vacuum cleaner and walked to my spy-spot, I heard mumbling "...I can't believe you think she's pregnant for Jeff." Steven said.
"I found the results in her room." I gasped loudly and was taken a back. I raced back to my room and searched the vanity, the test was there under the glass I poured milk in. Not only was she snooping but she spilled this putrid substance all over my carpet. I raced downstairs in a fit of rage. "Oh if I don't kill you!" I screamed slapping her across the face. Stevens hands held onto me before I could knock her over. "You fucking whore! Snooping in my god damn room! That's how fucking fucked up you are?"
"Kerr! Calm down." Steven begged. "Im not the whore! You're the banged bitch pregnant for Jeff! That's why you were so fucking jealous when you found out what he was doing to me!"
"What you mean? Oh you mean the fiction of him raping you!"
"I hate you!" I pushed him off and pushed her on her back and peered down at Gia who was like a rat cornered by a hungry cat. I lifted my fists ready to beat her face in, my head pounded with rage, but I released my fist and pointed at her. With my dark, serious eyes I said calmly,"I know exactly how to fix your problems." I walked back to my room with an evil smirk on my face. I looked at the calendar, next weekend is Steven's birthday. A light bulb illuminated my mind,  you think you hate me now? Bitch stay tuned.

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